Apr 6, 2012, 4:44:06 PM (12 years ago)

corrections typos and co

1 edited


  • papers/FDL2012/FDL2012.tex

    r83 r89  
    87 We have presented a new strategy in the abstraction generation and refinement which is well adapted for compositional embedded systems. This verification technique is compatible and suits well in the natural development process of complex systems. Our preliminary experimental results shows an interesting performance in terms duration of abstraction generation and the number of refinement iteration. Futhermore, this technique enables us to overcome repetitive counterexamples due to the presence of cycles in the system's graph.
     87We have presented a new strategy in the abstraction generation and refinement
     88which is well adapted for compositional embedded systems. This verification
     89technique is compatible and suits well in the natural development process of
     90complex systems. Our preliminary experimental results shows an interesting
     91performance in terms of duration of abstraction generation and the number of refinement iteration. Futhermore, this technique enables us to overcome repetitive counterexamples due to the presence of cycles in the system's graph.
    89 Nevertheless, in order to function well, this refinement technique requires a complete specification of every components of the concrete model. Futhermore, it may be possible that none of the properties available is capable of eliminating the counterexample which probably due to the fact that the specification is not complete or counterexample given is provoqued by the composition of components. In this case, other refinement techniques such as the refinement by eliminating the counterexample only techniques should be considered. We are currently investigating other complementary techniques to overcome these particular cases.
     93Nevertheless, in order to function well, this refinement technique requires a
     94complete specification of every components of the concrete model. Futhermore,
     95it may be possible that none of the properties available is capable of
     96eliminating the counterexample which is probably due to an uncomplete
     97specification or a counterexample that should be eliminated by the product of
     98local properties. In this case, other refinement techniques such as the
     99refinement by eliminating the counterexample only, or the identification of a
     100good set of local properties to be integreted simultaneously, should be considered.
     101We are currently investigating other complementary techniques to overcome these particular cases.
     102A complementary approach consists in oimproving the specification of the
     103model~: at the component level, or for groups of components. The work of
     104Kroening \cite{pwk2009-date} could help us in this direction.
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