Apr 6, 2012, 4:44:06 PM (12 years ago)

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1 edited


  • papers/FDL2012/exp_results.tex

    r88 r89  
    1 We have conducted preliminary experiments to tests and compare the performance of our strategy with existing abstraction-refinement technique available in VIS. There several abstraction-refinement techniques implemented in VIS accessible via \emph{approximate\_model\_check}, \emph{iterative\_model\_check}, \emph{check\_invariant} and \emph{incremental\_ctl\_model\_check} commands. However, among the techniques available, \emph{incremental\_ctl\_model\_check} is the only abstraction-refinement technique that supports CTL formulas and fairness constraints which are necessary in our test platforms. It is an automatic abstraction refinement algorithm which generates an initial conservative abstraction principally by reducing the size of the latches by a constant factor. If the initial abstraction is not conclusive, a \emph{goal set} will then be computed in order to guide the refinement process \cite{PardoHachtel98incremCTLMC} \cite{PardoHachtel97autoAbsMC}.
     1We have conducted preliminary experiments to test and compare the performance
     2of our strategy with existing abstraction-refinement techniques available in
     3VIS. There are several abstraction-refinement techniques implemented in VIS
     4accessible via \emph{approximate\_model\_check},
     5\emph{iterative\_model\_check}, \emph{check\_invariant} and
     6\emph{incremental\_ctl\_model\_check} commands. However, among the available
     7techniques, \emph{incremental\_ctl\_model\_check} is the only one that supports CTL formulas and fairness constraints which are necessary in our test platforms. It is an automatic abstraction refinement algorithm which generates an initial conservative abstraction principally by reducing the size of the latches by a constant factor. If the initial abstraction is not conclusive, a \emph{goal set} will then be computed in order to guide the refinement process \cite{PardoHachtel98incremCTLMC} \cite{PardoHachtel97autoAbsMC}.
    117 In Table \ref{TabVerif}, we compare the execution time between our technique (Prop. Select.), \emph{incremental\_ctl\_verification} (Incremental) and the standard model checking (Standard MC) computed using the \emph{model\_check} command in VIS (Note: Dynamic variable ordering has been enabled with sift method). For the VCI-PI platform, the global property $\phi_1$ is the type $AF((p=1)*AF(q=1))$ and $\phi_2$ is actually a stronger version of the same formula with $AG(AF((p=1)*AF(q=1)))$. We have a total of 42 verifed components properties to be selected in VCI-PI plateform and for the verification of $\phi_1$ we have restrained the selectable properties only to those without AG prefix. In comparison to $\phi_2$, we can see that, a better set of properties available will result in a better abstraction and less refinement iterations. 
     123In Table \ref{TabVerif}, we compare the execution time and the number of refinment
     124between our technique (Prop. Select.), \emph{incremental\_ctl\_verification}
     125(Incremental) and the standard model checking (Standard MC) computed using the
     126\emph{model\_check} command in VIS (Note: Dynamic variable ordering has been
     127enabled with sift method). For the VCI-PI platform, the global property
     128$\phi_1$ is the type $AF((p=1)*AF(q=1))$ and $\phi_2$ is actually a stronger
     129version of the same formula with $AG(AF((p=1)*AF(q=1)))$. We have a total of
     13027 verifed components properties to be selected in VCI-PI plateform.
     131In comparison to $\phi_2$, we can see that, a better set of properties available will result in a better abstraction and less refinement iterations. 
    120 In the case of the CAN bus platform, the global property $\phi_3$ is the type $AG(((p'=1)*(q'=1)*AF(r_1=1)) \rightarrow AF((s_1=1)*AF(t_1=1)))$ and $\phi_4 = AG(((p'=1)*(q'=1)*AG(r_2=0)) \rightarrow AG((s_2=0)*(t_2=0)))$. We have at our disposal 103 verified component properties and after the selection process, 3 selected component properties were sufficient to verify both global properties.
     134In the case of the CAN bus platform, the global property $\phi_3$ is the type
     135$AG(((p'=1)*(q'=1)*AF(r_1=1)) \rightarrow AF((s_1=1)*AF(t_1=1)))$ and $\phi_4
     136= AG(((p'=1)*(q'=1)*AG(r_2=0)) \rightarrow AG((s_2=0)*(t_2=0)))$. We have at
     137our disposal 103 verified component properties and after the selection process
     138for the initial abstraction, 3 selected component properties were sufficient
     139to verify both global properties without refinement.
    122 Globally, we can see that our technique systematically computes faster than the other two methods and interestingly in the case where the size of the platform increases by adding the more connected components, in contrary to the other two methods, our computation time remains stable.
     141Globally, we can see that our technique systematically computes faster than the other two methods and interestingly in the case where the size of the platform increases by adding more connected components, in contrary to the other two methods, our computation time remains stable.
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