Apr 6, 2012, 10:37:41 PM (12 years ago)


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  • papers/FDL2012/introduction.tex

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    77and programmers as it may delay getting a new product to the market or cause
    88failure of some critical devices that are already in use. System verification
    9 using formal methods such as model checking guarantees a high level of quality in terms of safety and reliabilty while reducing financial risk.
     9using formal methods such as model checking guarantee a high level of quality in terms of safety and reliability while reducing financial risk.
    20 Several tools using counterexample-guided abstraction refinement technique have been developed such as SLAM, a software model-checker by Microsoft Research \cite{microsoft04SLAM}, BLAST (Berkeley Lazy Abstraction Software Verification Tool), a software model-checker for C programs \cite{berkeley07BLAST} and VCEGAR (Verilog Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement), a hardware model-checker which performs verification at the RTL (Register Transfer Language) level \cite{Kroening_al07vcegar}. However, relying on counterexamples generated by the model checker as the only source for refinement may not be conclusive.
     20Several tools using counterexample-guided abstraction refinement technique, like those implemented in the VIS model-checker, have been developed such as SLAM, a software model-checker by Microsoft Research \cite{microsoft04SLAM}, BLAST (Berkeley Lazy Abstraction Software Verification Tool), a software model-checker for C programs \cite{berkeley07BLAST} and VCEGAR (Verilog Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement), a hardware model-checker which performs verification at the RTL (Register Transfer Language) level \cite{Kroening_al07vcegar}. However, relying on counterexamples generated by the model checker as the only source for refinement may not be conclusive.
    30 In \cite{PMT02compositional_MC}, Peng, Mokhtari and Tahar have presented a possible implementation of assume-guarantee approach where the specification are in ACTL. Moreover, they managed to perform the synthetisation of the ACTL formulas into Verilog HDL behavior level program. The synthesized program can be used to check properties that the system's components must guarantee.
     30In \cite{PMT02compositional_MC}, Peng, Mokhtari and Tahar have presented a possible implementation of assume-guarantee approach where the specification are in ACTL. Moreover, they managed to perform the synthetisation of the ACTL formulas into Verilog HDL behavior level program. The synthesized program can be used to check properties that the system's components must guarantee. Since, there have been other works on construction of components from interval temporal logic properties which could be used to speed up verification process \cite{SNBE06property_based} \cite{Kunz_al11ipc_abs}.
    34 In 2006, Hans Eveking and al. introduced a technique of normalizing properties and transforming those normalized properties into an executable design description \cite{SNBE06property_based}. The generation of abstraction from PSL/Sugar specification language could then be used in the verification process to speed up the operation. This technique also allows the tests of specifications without having to build an implementation first.
     32%In 2006, Hans Eveking and al. introduced a technique of normalizing properties and transforming those normalized properties into an executable design description \cite{SNBE06property_based}. The generation of abstraction from PSL/Sugar specification language could then be used in the verification process to speed up the operation. This technique also allows the tests of specifications without having to build an implementation first.
     33%In \cite{Kunz_al11ipc_abs}, a method to formally verify low-level software in conjunction with the hardware by exploiting the Interval Property Checking (IPC) with abstraction technique was proposed. This method improves the robustness of interval property checking when proving long global interval properties of embedded systems.
    41 In \cite{pwk2009-date}, an approach based on abstraction refinement technique has been proposed by Kroening and al. to strengthen properties in a finite state system specification . The method, which fundamentally relies on the notion of vacuity, generally produces shorter and stronger properties. In \cite{Kunz_al11ipc_abs}, a method to formally verify low-level software in conjunction with the hardware by exploiting the Interval Property Checking (IPC) with abstraction technique was proposed. This method improves the robustness of interval property checking when proving long global interval properties of embedded systems.
     39%In \cite{pwk2009-date}, an approach based on abstraction refinement technique has been proposed by Kroening and al. to strengthen properties in a finite state system specification . The method, which fundamentally relies on the notion of vacuity, generally produces shorter and stronger properties.
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