Changeset 110

Feb 8, 2010, 12:10:10 PM (15 years ago)


2 edited


  • anr/task-3.tex

    r109 r110  
    6464    \itemV{0}{6}{d}{\Slip}{Method, Preliminary Definition}
    6565      Description of the process network construction method for programs with
    66       polyhedral loops. User manual. %FIXME == {User manual ou Specification. Si user manual alors le mettre en dissemination}
     66      polyhedral loops. User manual.
     67      %FIXME == {User manual ou Specification. Si user manual alors le mettre en dissemination}
    6768    \itemL{30}{36}{d}{\Slip}{Process generation method}{0:0:0}
    6869      Final assessment of the method and improved version of the user manual.
    6970      %FIXME == {User manual ou Specification. Si user manual alors le mettre en dissemination}
    70     \itemV{6}{12}{x}{\Slip}{Process construction)}
     71    \itemV{6}{12}{x}{\Slip}{Process construction}
    7172      Preliminary implementation in the Syntol framework.
    7273      At this step the software will just implement a single constructor.
  • anr/task-4.tex

    r98 r110  
    88The objectives of this task are to provide the two HAS back-ends of the COACH project and
    9 a tool that adapt the coprocessor frequency to the FPGA-SoC frequency as given
    10 by the processors and the BUS.
     9a tool that adapt the coprocessor frequency to the FPGA-SoC frequency as required %FIXME == {or defined}
     10by the processors and the system BUS.
    1111%pourquoi en majuscule?
    13 The HAS back-ends as shown in figure~\ref{archi-hls} reads \xcoach data and provides
    14 \xcoachplus data, i.e. \xcoach data annotated with hardware information such as
    15 variables bindings to registers, operations bindings to cells and a schedule. The \xcoach format
    16 being generated by \novers{\specXcoachToCA} deliverable and \xcoachplus being treated by
    17 \novers{\specXcoachToSystemC} and \novers{\specXcoachToVhdl} deliverables,
    18 this task is very dependent on task~1.
     13The HAS back-ends as shown in figure~\ref{archi-hls} reads an \xcoach description and provides an
     14\xcoachplus description, i.e. an \xcoach description annotated with hardware information such as
     15variables binding to registers, operations bindings to cells/fonctional units, operation scheduling...
     16The \xcoach format being generated by the \novers{\specXcoachToCA} deliverable and the \xcoachplus being treated by
     17the \novers{\specXcoachToSystemC} and the \novers{\specXcoachToVhdl} deliverables,
     18this task strongly depends on task~1.
    2020For the two HAS front-end, this task is based on the already existing HLS tools GAUT and
    2424framework. Secondly these tools will be improved to allows to treat data dominated application
    2525with a few control for GAUT and control dominated application with a few data processing
    26 for UGH. This will enlarge the domain the HLS can cover.
     26for UGH. This will enlarge the domain the HLS can cover which is a strong limitation of the
     27tools currently avilable. %FIXME == [ajouter ref LIVRE, D&T, CATRENE Roadmap]
     30%FIXMA == {il faudrait fusionner les taches ST5-1 et ST5-2, non ???}
    3032\item The goal of this \ST is to integrate the UGH HLS tool to the COACH framework. It
    3133    consists of suppressing the C compiler and the SystemC and VHDL drivers and replacing
    32     them by \xcoach and \xcoachplus drivers.
     34    them by \xcoach and \xcoachplus drivers i.e. C2X, X2SC and X2VHDL.
    3335    \begin{livrable}
    3436    \itemL{6}{12}{x}{\Stima}{UGH integration}{12:0:0}
    35         The UGH software that reads \xcoach format.
     37        Release of the UGH software that reads \xcoach format.
    3638    \itemV{12}{18}{x}{\Supmc}{UGH integration}
    37         The UGH software that writes \xcoachplus format.
     39        Release of the UGH software that writes \xcoachplus format.
    3840    \itemL{18}{33}{x}{\Supmc}{UGH integration}{0:2:4.0}
    3941        Maintenance work of the UGH software.
    4042    \end{livrable}
    4143\item The goal of this \ST is to integrate the GAUT HLS tool to the COACH framework. It
    42     consists of suppressing the C commpiler and the SystemC and VHDL drivers and replacing
     44    consists of suppressing the C compiler and the SystemC and VHDL drivers and replacing
    4345    them by \xcoach and \xcoachplus drivers.
    4446    \begin{livrable}
    4547    \itemV{6}{12}{x}{\Subs}{GAUT integration}
    46         The GAUT software that is able to read \xcoach format.
     48        Release of the GAUT software that is able to read \xcoach format.
    4749    \itemV{12}{18}{x}{\Subs}{GAUT integration}
    48         The GAUT software that is able to read \xcoach format and to write \xcoachplus format.
     50        Release of the GAUT software that is able to read \xcoach format and to write \xcoachplus format.
    4951    \itemL{18}{33}{x}{\Subs}{GAUT integration}{0:0:0}
    5052        Maintenance work of the GAUT software.
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