Changeset 111

Feb 8, 2010, 12:22:11 PM (15 years ago)


3 edited


  • anr/task-4.tex

    r110 r111  
    5656    \begin{livrable}
    5757    \itemL{18}{24}{x}{\Stima}{UGH enhancement 1}{0:9:0}
    58         The UGH software whith support for treating automatically data dominated sections
     58        Release of the UGH software with support for treating automatically data dominated sections
    5959        included into a control dominated application.
    6060    \itemL{21}{27}{x}{\Stima}{UGH enhancement 2}{0:3:6}
    61         The UGH software that is able to generate a micro-architecture without the
     61        Release of the UGH software able to generate a micro-architecture without the
    6262        variable binding currently done by the designer.
    6363    \itemL{6}{18}{x}{\Subs}{GAUT enhancement 1}{0:0:0}
    7878        Release of the GAUT software that supports the features defined in \ST ????.
    7979    \end{livrable}
    80 \item In FPGA-SoC, the frequency is given by the processors and the BUS. The coprocessors
     80\item In FPGA-SoC, the frequency is given by the processor(s) and the system BUS. The coprocessors
    8181    generated by HLS synthesis must respect this frequency. However, the HLS tools can not
    8282    guarantee that the micro-architectures they generate accurately respect this
    8383    frequency. This is especially the case when the target is a FPGA device, because the
    8484    delays are really known only after the RTL synthesis and that estimated delays used
    85     by the HLS are very imprecize. The goal of this \ST is to provide a tool to adapt
     85    by the HLS are very inaccurate. The goal of this \ST is to provide a tool that adapts
    8686    the coprocessors frequency to the FPGA-SoC frequency after the coprocessor RTL
    8787    synthesis.
    9393    \itemL{24}{33}{x}{\Supmc}{frequency calibration}{2:.5:3.5}
    9494        The frequency calibration software consists of a driver in the FPGA-SoC operating
    95         system and of a control software on a PC.
     95        system and of a control software on a PC. %FIXME == {Pas clair pour le HPC. Comprends pas}
    9696    \end{livrable}
  • anr/task-5.tex

    r63 r111  
    1212figures~\ref{coach-flow} and \ref{archi-hpc}. It consists in
    14 \item Helping the HPC designer to find a good partition of the initial application
     14\item Providing a software tool that helps the HPC designer to find a good partition of the initial application
    1515    (figure~\ref{archi-hpc}).
    1616\item Providing communication schemes between the software part running on the PC and the
    17 FPGA-SoC.
     17FPGA-SoC. %FIXME = {Quelle difference avec l'item qui suit ???}
    1818\item Implementing the communication scheme at all levels: partition help, software
    1919implementation both on the PC and in the operating system of the FPGA-SoC, hardware.
    2525transfers. The reasons of this choices are that both ALTERA and Xilinx provide PCI/X IP for
    2626their FPGA and that GPU HPC softwares use also it.
    27 This will allow us at least to be inspired by GPU communication schemes and may be to reuse
    28 parts of the GPU softwares.
     27%FIXME == {ai supprime (mis en commentaire) la phrse qui suivait}
     28%This will allow us at least to be inspired by GPU communication schemes and may be to reuse
     29%parts of the GPU softwares.
     33%FIXME == {Ne doit onpas fusionner les taches ST6-1, ST6-2, ST6-3 et pourquoi pas ST6-4 ???}
    3335\item This \ST is the definition of the communication schemes as a software API
    3739    \itemL{0}{6}{d}{\Supmc}{HPC communication API}{1.0:0:0}
    3840        \setMacroInAuxFile{hpcCommApi}
    39         User reference manual describing the API.
     41        Specification describing the API.
    4042    \end{livrable}
    4143\item This \ST consists in helping to partition applications.
  • anr/task-7.tex

    r99 r111  
    3131        adding, suppressing, replacing pages).
    3232        Especialy the user reference manuals provided in the other tasks will be published
    33         in this site. The published articles will be also be installed in this site.
     33        on this site. The published articles will be also be installed in this site.
    3434      \itemL{6}{36}{}{\Supmc}{release handling}{1:.5:.5}
    3535        This deliverable deals with the elaboration of the COACH software milestones and
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