Changeset 114

Feb 9, 2010, 1:35:05 AM (15 years ago)

IA: updated data from bull and navtel

6 edited


  • anr/anr.sty

    r113 r114  
    39 \let\ALTERA\disable%
    5049  \ifx\TIMA\disable\let\TIMA\enable\fi%
    5150  \ifx\UBS\disable\let\UBS\enable\fi%
    52   \ifx\ALTERA\disable\let\ALTERA\enable\fi%
    5351  \ifx\XILINX\disable\let\XILINX\enable\fi%
    5452  \ifx\BULL\disable\let\BULL\enable\fi%
    66 \def\@ALTERA{\ifx\ALTERA\disable{}\else\ifx\ALTERA\enable{\@partner}\else{\@leader}\fi\fi}%
    67 \def\@XILINX{\ifx\XILINX\disable{}\else\ifx\ALTERA\enable{\@partner}\else{\@leader}\fi\fi}%
    72 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}\hline
    73 \Sirisa  & \Slip  & \Stima  & \Subs  & \Supmc  & \Saltera & \Sxilinx & \Sbull  & \Sthales & \Snavtel & \Szied \\\hline
    74 \@IRISA  & \@LIP  & \@TIMA  & \@UBS  & \@UPMC  & \@ALTERA & \@XILINX & \@BULL  & \@THALES & \@NAVTEL & \@ZIED \\\hline
     70\Sirisa  & \Slip  & \Stima  & \Subs  & \Supmc  & \Sxilinx & \Sbull  & \Sthales & \Snavtel & \Szied \\\hline
     71\@IRISA  & \@LIP  & \@TIMA  & \@UBS  & \@UPMC  & \@XILINX & \@BULL  & \@THALES & \@NAVTEL & \@ZIED \\\hline
  • anr/section-3.1.tex

    r112 r114  
    113113Regarding these limitations, it is necessary to create a new tool generation reducing the gap
    114114between the specification of an heterogeneous system and its hardware implementation.
    115 \mustbecompleted {FIXME :: Ajouter ref livre + D&T}
     115\mustbecompleted {FIXME :: Ajouter ref livre + D\&T}
    117117\subsubsection{Application Specific Instruction Processors}
  • anr/section-7.tex

    r99 r114  
    158158\subsection{Partner 6: \xilinx}
    159 \ressourcehelp
    168168    \xilinx employees involved in the project are permanent Software Engineers.
    169169    The detail by delivrables is given in figure~\ref{ress-detail-xilinx} and
    170     summarizes by task in the following table.
     170    a sumary by task in the following table.
    171171    \begin{center}\input{table_xilinx_short.tex}\end{center}
    183183\subsection{Partner 7: \bull}
    184 \ressourcehelp
     187    Acquisition of a FPGA development board will represent the main equipment cost for
     188    Bull in COACH. It is estimated at about 5\% (tbc) of the total funding.
     189\item[Personnel costs]
     190    A permanent engineer will be assigned full time to the project for a duration of 20
     191    months as shown in the table below:
     192    \begin{center}\input{table_bull_short.tex}\end{center}
     194    No subcontracting costs.
     196    Application of a standard 10\% of the total funding to travel costs.
     197\item[Expenses for inward billing]
     198    Costs justified by inward billing are estimated to about 5\% of the total funding.
     199\item[Other working costs] none
  • anr/task-2.tex

    r113 r114  
  • anr/task-3.tex

    r112 r114  
    2626    \begin{livrable}
    27       \itemV{0}{18}{X}{\Sirisa}{ASIP compilation flow}{0:0:0}
     27      \itemV{0}{18}{X}{\Sirisa}{ASIP compilation flow}
    2828        In this first version of the software, the computations patterns corresponding to
    2929        custom instruction are specified by the user, and then automatically extracted (when
    4141 of the architecture, along with its architectural extensions
    4242    \begin{livrable}
    43       \itemV{0}{12}{X}{\Sirisa}{SystemC for extensible MIPS }{1:.5:.5}
     43      \itemV{0}{12}{X}{\Sirisa}{SystemC for extensible MIPS }
    4444      { A SystemC simulation model for an simple extensible MIPS architectural template }
    4545      \itemL{12}{20}{X}{\Sirisa}{SystemC for extensible MIPS}{0:0:0}
    4949          { A SystemC simulation model for an extensible NIOS processor template, the VHDL model being
    5050          already available from Altera}
    51       \itemV{12}{18}{H}{\Sirisa}{VHDL for an extensible MIPS}{1:.5:.5}
     51      \itemV{12}{18}{H}{\Sirisa}{VHDL for an extensible MIPS}
    5252      {A synthesizable VHDL model for an simple extensible MIPS architectural template}
    5353      \itemL{18}{24}{H}{\Sirisa}{VHDL for an extensible MIPS}{0:0:0}
    5454      {A synthesizable VHDL model for a extensible MIPS with a tight architectural integration of
    5555      its instruction set extensions}
    56       \itemV{24}{36}{D}{\Sirisa}{Evaluation report }{0:0:0}
     56      \itemL{24}{36}{D}{\Sirisa}{Evaluation report }{0:0:0}
    5757      {A evaluation report with quantitative analysis of the performance/area trade-off induced by
    5858      the different approaches}
    7878      Extension of automatic parallelization and array contraction
    7979      to non-polyhedral loops. Implementation in the Bee framework.
    80     \itemL{30}{36}{x}{\Slip} {Process and FIFO construction} {0:0:0}
     80    \itemL{30}{36}{x}{\Slip} {Process and FIFO construction}{0:0:0}
    8181      Final release taking into account the feedbacks from the
    8282      demonstrator \STs.
  • anr/task-6.tex

    r52 r114  
     16  \item This \ST relies to the COACH use by \bull.
     17    \mustbecompleted{FIXME:BULL ajouter quelques lignes pour donner
     18    1) type d'application (HPC ou embedded system, HLS),
     19    2) domaine (RADAR, VIDEO, ...)
     20    3) et si possible l'interet de BULL dans COACH.}
     21    \begin{livrable}
     22      \itemV{0}{6}{d}{\Sbull}{\bull demonstrator}
     23        The deliverable is a document that describes the application that will be use as
     24        demonstrator.
     25      \itemV{6}{12}{x}{\Sbull}{\bull demonstrator}
     26        The deliverable is the specification of the demonstrator in COACH input format
     27        defined in the {\specGenManual} deliverable.
     28      \itemL{12}{36}{d}{\Sbull}{\bull demonstrator}{9:6:5}
     29        Validation of the demonstrator, the deliverable is a document
     30        describing the result of the experimentations.
     31    \end{livrable}
    1632  \item This \ST relies to the COACH use by \navtel.
    17     The application is A-COMPLETER-1-A-3-LIGNE .... ....  .... .... ....
    18     ... ...
    19     ... ...
    20     ... ...
     33    \\\mustbecompleted{FIXME:NAVTEL:BEGIN ---------------}\\
     34    INDIQUER en quelques lignes \\
     35      \hspace*{1cm} 1) ce que vous voulez faire \\
     36      \hspace*{1cm} 2) ce que vous allez faire avec COACH \\
     37    Pour les deliverables qu'on voit un rapport avec COACH,
     38    et indiquer: la date de debut, la date de fin, le nombre de homme*home
     39    pour l'année 1, l'année 2, l'année 3.
     40    \par
     41    De plus il me faut qq pour la page 42 (voir page precedente).
     42    \\\mustbecompleted{FIXME:NAVTEL:END -------------------}
    2143    \begin{livrable}
    2244    \itemV{0}{6}{x}{\Snavtel}{\navtel \ganttlf demonstrator specification}
    23         Choice of the demonstrator and its implementation as a PC C/C++ program.
     45        %Choice of the demonstrator and its implementation as a PC C/C++ program.
     46        Navtel delivers  a single node embedded hardware which consists of an ARM
     47        processor and a Spartan 6 FPGA for the experimentation of an embedded super
     48        computing system.
     49        \mustbecompleted{FIXME:NAVTEL On ne voit pas le rapport avec COACH !!!}
    2450    \itemL{7}{12}{x}{\Snavtel}{\navtel \ganttlf demonstrator specification}{0:0:0}
    25         The demonstrator is described as a communicating task graph using the
    26         specification defined in the milestone T0+12.
    27     \itemV{13}{15}{d}{\Snavtel}{\navtel \ganttlf demonstrator}
    28         This deliverable is a report that describes the experimentation done with the
    29         T0+12 COACH milestone.
    30     \itemV{25}{27}{d}{\Snavtel}{\navtel \ganttlf demonstrator}
    31         This deliverable is a report that describes the experimentation done with the
    32         T0+24 COACH milestone.
    33     \itemL{30}{36}{d}{\Snavtel}{\navtel \ganttlf demonstrator}{0:0:0}
    34         This deliverable is a report that describes the experimentation done with the
    35         pre-final COACH release.
     51        A wrapper technology demonstrator with partial reconfiguration and its interface
     52        with real time scheduler.
     53        \mustbecompleted{FIXME:NAVTEL 1) On ne voit pas le rapport avec COACH !!!
     54        2) si ca s'arrete la il n'y a aucun lien avec COACH puisque COACH commence
     55        seulement a tourner a T0+12
     56        }
     57%    \itemV{13}{15}{d}{\Snavtel}{\navtel \ganttlf demonstrator}
     58%        This deliverable is a report that describes the experimentation done with the
     59%        T0+12 COACH milestone.
     60%    \itemV{25}{27}{d}{\Snavtel}{\navtel \ganttlf demonstrator}
     61%        This deliverable is a report that describes the experimentation done with the
     62%        T0+24 COACH milestone.
     63%    \itemL{30}{36}{d}{\Snavtel}{\navtel \ganttlf demonstrator}{0:0:0}
     64%        This deliverable is a report that describes the experimentation done with the
     65%        pre-final COACH release.
    3666    \end{livrable}
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