Changeset 123 for anr/section-6.1.tex

Feb 10, 2010, 1:59:01 AM (14 years ago)

IA: 1) enter thales + zied 2) m.a.p

1 edited


  • anr/section-6.1.tex

    r121 r123  
    109109IST/AETHER ...). These projects are conducted through tight cooperation
    110110with national and international companies and organizations (e.g. France
    111 Telecom CNET, MATRA, CEA, ASTRIUM, THALES Com., THALES Avionics, AIRBUS,
     111Telecom CNET, MATRA, CEA, ASTRIUM, \thales Com., \thales Avionics, AIRBUS,
    112112BarCo, STMicroelectronics, Alcatel-Lucent ...). Results of those or former
    113113projects are for example the high-level synthesis tool GAUT, the UHLS
    154154Even if the preferred dissemination policy for the Coach design flow will be the free software policy,
    155155(following the SoCLib model), the SoC department is ready to support start-ups : Six startup companies
    156 (including FLEXRAS) have been created by former researchers from  the SoC department of LIP6 between 1997 and 2002.
     156(including \zied) have been created by former researchers from  the SoC department of LIP6 between 1997 and 2002.
     215\thales is a world leader for mission critical information systems, with activities in 3
     216core businesses: aerospace (with all major aircraft manufacturers as customers), defence,
     217and security (including ground transportation solutions). It employs 68000 people
     218worldwide, and is present in 50 countries.  \thales develops its strategic capabilities in
     219component, software and system engineering and architectures through its R \& T organization.
     220Its six Divisions manage their strategy and technical co-ordination per domain with
     221hundreds of Units in these Divisions developing their technical activities in close
     222relationship with their market. In this environment, \thales Research \& Technology
     223operates at the corporate level as the technical community network architect, in charge of
     224developing upstream and \thales-wide R \& T activities, with vision and visibility.
     225In support of \thales applications, TRT's mission is also to anticipate and speed up
     226technology transfer from research to development in Divisions by developing collaborations
     227in R\&T.
     229Thales is international, but Europe-centered. Research \& Development activities are
     230disseminated, and corporate Research and Technology is concentrated in Centres in France,
     231the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
     232The R\&T in Thales emphasizes more particularly on critical information systems,
     233processing, control and cognitive systems, and autonomous systems.
     235A key mission of our R\&T centres is to have a bi-directional transfer, or “impedance
     236matching” function between the scientific research network and the corresponding
     237businesses. Benefiting from its presence and visibility on the international scene in
     238advanced sciences, technology and software, \thales Research \& Technology is perceived as
     239a valuable partner of the best research centres (academic or industrial) through
     240recognized scientists and research engineer participation in collaborative projects.
     241The TRT’s Information Science and Technology Group is able to develop innovative solutions
     242along the information chain exploiting sensors data, through expertise in: computational
     243architectures in embedded systems, typically suitable for autonomous system environments,
     244mathematics and technologies for decision involving information fusion and cognitive
     245processing, and cooperative technologies including man system interaction.
     246The Embedded System Laboratory (ESL) of TRT involved in the COACH project is part of the
     247Information Science and Technology Group.
     249Like other labs of TRT, ESL is in charge of making the link between the needs from Thales
     250business units and the emerging technologies, in particular through assessment and
     251de-risking studies.
     252It has a long experience on parallel architectures design, in particular on SIMD
     253architectures used for image processing and signal processing applications and on
     254reconfigurable architectures.
     255ESL is also strongly involved in studies on programming tools for these types of
     256architectures and has developed the SpearDE tool used in this project.
     257The laboratory had coordinated the FP6 IST MORPHEUS project on reconfigurable technology,
     258being highly involved in the associated programming toolset.
     260The team is also involved in
     261the FP6 IST FET AETHER project on self-adaptability technologies and coordinates national
     262projects on MPSoC architecture and tools like the \verb+Ter@ops+ project (P\^{o}le de
     263Comp\'{e}titivit\'{e} \verb+System@tic+) dedicated to the design of a MPSoC for intensive
     264computing embedded systems.
     269\zied is an innovative start-up specialized in the conception of configurable circuits
     270and the development of CAD tools. \zied provides a complete front-to-back-end generator
     271of "hardware" reprogrammable IP cores that can be embedded in ASIC and ASSP SoC designs.
     272\zied solution is based on a patented FPGA architecture delivering an unprecedented
     273level of logic density. This high capacity is accessible using a traditional RTL flow from
     274Verilog/VHDL synthesis all the way to bitstream generation.
     276\zied is a spin-off from LIP6 (Laboratoire Informatique Paris 6) and was awarded at the
     277French National Competition for Business Startup and Innovative Technology in 2007 and
     2782009 in “emergence” and “creation” categories respectively.
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