Changeset 131

Feb 11, 2010, 12:35:51 PM (15 years ago)

Paul Révision dela section 7.

2 edited


  • anr/anr.tex

    r126 r131  
    4949\def\irisa{INRIA/CAIRN\xspace}          \def\Sirisa{\Sformat{IN/CN}\xspace}
    5050%\def\citi{CITI\xspace}            \def\Sciti{\Sformat{CITI}\xspace}
    51 \def\lip{INRIA/COMPSYS\xspace}              \def\Slip{\Sformat{IN/CS}\xspace}
     51\def\lip{INRIA/COMPSYS\xspace}     \def\Slip{\Sformat{IN/CS}\xspace}
    5252\def\tima{TIMA\xspace}            \def\Stima{\Sformat{TIMA}\xspace}
    5353\def\ubs{LAB-STICC\xspace}        \def\Subs{\Sformat{UBS}\xspace}
  • anr/section-7.tex

    r130 r131  
    1515  professor) and Charles Wagner (research engineer). The non-permanent
    1616  personal required is a PhD student that will mainly work on ASIP
    17   generation. We are looking for profile with strong informatic skills
     17  generation. We are looking for a profile with strong informatic skills
    1818  and good knowledge in computer architecture.
    20 The table below summarizes the man power by task for both permanent and
     20The table below summarizes the manpower by task for both permanent and
    2121non-permanent personnels. The detail by delivrables is given in
    8989\item [Personnel costs]
    9090The permanent personnels involved in the project are professor and
    91 assistant professors (Fr\'ed\'eric P\'etrot and Olivier Muller).
     91assistant professor (Fr\'ed\'eric P\'etrot and Olivier Muller).
    9292The non permanent personnels are Phd students and post-doc researchers.
    9393Related costs are estimated in men per months.
    94 One phd student (Adrien Prost-Boucle), funded by french ministry of research,
     94One phd student (Adrien Prost-Boucle), funded by the
     95french ministry of research,
    9596will be working on the project.
    9697One 100\% funded phd student will be hired in september 2010. A post-doc researcher
    97 will be hired in end of 2011 for one year and an half.
     98will be hired at the end of 2011 for one year and an half.
    9899The PhD student will mainly work on the evolution of UGH HLS tool. Thus, we
    99100are looking for a profile with strong informatic skills and good knowledge in
    100101computer architecture.
    101102The post-doc will mainly work on dynamic reconfiguration and HPC. The required
    102 profil will be more oriented on computer architecture and advances digital design.
     103profile will be more oriented on computer architecture and advanced digital design.
    104105The table below sumarizes the man power by task for both permanent and non-permanent
    242243    for these FPGA boards is estimated to 20 k\euro (6\% of the total ANR funding).
    243244\item[Personnel costs]
    244     The effort to adapt SPEAR DE to generator the input files to COACH framework is
     245    The effort to adapt SPEAR DE to generate the input files to COACH framework is
    245246    estimated to 13 man.months.
    246247    The effort to describe and develop the application is estimated to 14 man.month.
    247     Finally we need 1 man.month for the partiticipation to the global specification in task 2.
     248    Finally we need one man.month for the partiticipation to the global specification in task 2.
    248249    \begin{center}\input{table_thales_full.tex}\end{center}
    269270    Navtel will use FPGA board with ARM processors for the validation.
    270     The costs for depreciation of the board and the instrument of the test
     271    The costs for depreciation of the board and the instrument of test
    271272    are evaluated to 7\% of the total requested ANR funding.
    272273\item[Personnel costs]
    273     A permanent engineer will be assigned on average 1/3 time to
    274         the all the duration of the project.
    275     The table below shows the estimated man power cost in months for the delivrables.
     274    A permanent engineer will be assigned on average 1/3 time for
     275        all the duration of the project.
     276    The table below shows the estimated manpower cost in months for the delivrables.
    276277    \begin{center}\input{table_navtel_full.tex}\end{center}
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