Changeset 311

Jan 16, 2011, 10:37:52 AM (14 years ago)

Changed microblaze/plb in \xilinxcpu/\xilinxbus that extend arm/AMBA

6 edited


  • anr/annexe-reponse.tex

    r310 r311  
    240240    composant de communication (MWMR) pour les patrons architecturaux XILINX et ALTERA.
    241241    Ces choix conduisaient à 4 implantations du composants de communication
    242     (MWMR) (1 VHDL MWMR/PLB, 1 VHDL MWMR/AVALON, 1 SystemC MWMR/PLB et
     242    (MWMR) (1 VHDL MWMR/\xilinxbus, 1 VHDL MWMR/AVALON, 1 SystemC
     243    MWMR/\xilinxbus et
    243244    1 SystemC MWMR/AVALON) et probablement à quelques autres modules SystemC.\\
    244245    \textit{Nous avons ÃŽté ces développements}.
    245246    En effet pour l'implantation matériel des patrons architecturaux, on
    246     utilisera les ponts VCI/PLB et VCI/AVALON qui sont nécessaires au HPC et
     247    utilisera les ponts VCI/\xilinxbus et VCI/AVALON qui sont nécessaires au HPC et
    247248    pour le prototypage, on se limitera au patron architectural neutre.
    278279Enfin une réserve concerne l'utilisation du bus VCI jugé obsolÚte via les composants
    279 SoCLib. Le projet prévoit le développement de pont VCI/AVALON et VCI/PLB ce qui
     280SoCLib. Le projet prévoit le développement de pont VCI/AVALON et VCI/\xilinxbus ce qui
    280281permettra l'utilisation des IP de XILINX et ALTERA dans la patron architectural
  • anr/anr.tex

    r310 r311  
    5353\def\Backbone{Backbone infrastructure\xspace}
  • anr/section-1.tex

    r297 r311  
    8080    \item An \altera architectural template based on the \altera IP core library, the
    8181      AVALON system bus and the NIOS processor.
    82     \item A \xilinx architectural template based on the \xilinx IP core library, the PLB
    83       system bus and the Microblaze processor.
     82    \item A \xilinx architectural template based on the \xilinx IP core library,
     83      the \xilinxbus system bus and the \xilinxcpu processor.
    8484    \end{enumerate}
    8585\item[Hardware/Software communication middleware:]
  • anr/section-2.tex

    r310 r311  
    2828During this project, the COACH partners will develop three different architectural templates:
    30 \item An \altera architectural template based on the \altera IP core library, the AVALON system bus and the NIOS processor.
    31 \item A \xilinx architectural template based on the \xilinx IP core library, the PLB system bus and the Microblaze processor.
     30\item An \altera architectural template based on the \altera IP core library,
     31    the AVALON system bus and the NIOS processor.
     32\item A \xilinx architectural template based on the \xilinx IP core library, the
     33    \xilinxbus system bus and the \xilinxcpu processor.
    3234\item A Neutral architectural template based on the SoCLib IP core library and the VCI/OCP
    33       communication infrastructure.
     35    communication infrastructure.
    3537%The proposed design flow starts from a high level description of the application, specified as a set of
  • anr/section-project-task-schedule.tex

    r304 r311  
    115115%    The SoCLib component library contains several SystemC models used for the
    116116%    virtual prototyping of the \altera and \xilinx architectural templates
    117 %    (NIOS and Microblaze processor cores).
     117%    (NIOS and \xilinxcpu processor cores).
    118118%    Nevertheless, at this time we do not know how many IP cores SystemC
    119119%    simulation models have to be developped.
    123123%    The three architectural templates being quite similar, the virtual
    124124%    prototyping will use the neutral architectural template.
    125   \item[VCI/AVALON \& VCI/PLB bridges ({\NOVERShpcAvalonBridge}, {\NOVERShpcPlbBridge})]
     125  \item[VCI/AVALON \& VCI/\xilinxbus bridges ({\NOVERShpcAvalonBridge}, {\NOVERShpcPlbBridge})]
    126126    These bridges may decrease the efficiency of the \altera \& \xilinx
    127127    architectural templates.
    128     Developing the communication components (MWMR) for the AVALON and PLB buses
     128    Developing the communication components (MWMR) for the AVALON and \xilinxbus buses
    129129    will correct this problem.
    130130%    If one of these tasks is impossible or too important or leads to inefficiency,
  • anr/task-csg.tex

    r304 r311  
    2929    \itemL{18}{30}{h}{\Stima}{HPC hardware \xilinx}{0:3:3}
    3030        \setMacroInAuxFile{hpcPlbBridge}
    31         The synthesizable VHDL description of a PLB/VCI bridge.
     31        The synthesizable VHDL description of a VCI/\xilinxbus bridge.
    3232    \itemL{18}{30}{h}{\Supmc}{HPC hardware \altera}{0:3:3}
    3333        \setMacroInAuxFile{hpcAvalonBridge}
    34         The synthesizable VHDL description of an AVALON/VCI bridge.
     34        The synthesizable VHDL description of an VCI/AVALON bridge.
    3535    \end{livrable}
    3636\subtask{OS setup}
    3838    system and the development of drivers for the hardware architectural templates.
    3939    For the \altera and \xilinx architectural templates, the OS must also be ported on
    40     the NIOS2 and MICROBLAZE processors.
     40    the NIOS2 and \xilinxcpu processors.
    4141    \begin{livrable}
    4242    \itemV{6}{8}{x}{\Stima}{DNA OS}
    5151    \itemL{12}{18}{x}{\Stima}{Driver ports}{0:2:0}
    5252        \OtherPartner{6}{33}{\Supmc}  {0:2:0}
    53     \mustbecompleted{TIMA: tima sur Microblaze, UPMC sur Nios}
    54         Porting of DNA OS on the NIOS2 and MICROBLAZE processors.
     53    \mustbecompleted{TIMA: tima sur \xilinxcpu, UPMC sur Nios}
     54        Porting of DNA OS on the NIOS2 and \xilinxcpu processors.
    5555    \end{livrable}
    5656\subtask{Implementation of CSG}
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