Changeset 348

Feb 1, 2011, 4:13:41 PM (14 years ago)

minor language modifications

6 edited


  • anr/section-consortium-desc.tex

    r335 r348  
    1212for reaching the objectives (technical innovation and industrial evaluation for further exploitation).
    1313Each academic partner is expert in a specific area and each industrial brings a different approach to the use of the tools:
    14 - LIP6: MPSoC design and HLS
    15 - TIMA: Architecture, virtual prototyping, HLS
    16 - LAB-STICC: HLS, compilation
    17 - INRIA: ASIP design
    19 - Magillem: IP-XACT and industrial flow integration
    20 - BULL: HPC
    21 - THALES: XXX
     15\item LIP6: MPSoC design and HLS
     16\item TIMA: Architecture, virtual prototyping, HLS
     17\item LAB-STICC: HLS, compilation
     18\item INRIA: ASIP design
     19\item LIP: compilation, polyhedral model, HPC
     20\item Magillem: IP-XACT and industrial flow integration
     21\item BULL: HPC
     22\item THALES: XXX
    2325Thales will represent the FPGA users, BULL the HPC users, and Magillem the SoC integrators.
  • anr/section-consortium-leader.tex

    r329 r348  
    77Emmanuel is contributing member in the IP-XACT working group of ACCELERA.
    88In 2002-2005, Emmanuel was project manager of the project SystemC'mantic in
    9 the former call RNTL. The main onjective was to set up a design and verification environment
     9the former call RNTL. The main onbective was to set up a design and verification environment
    1010based on the new language SystemC and introducing new techniques of system level design.
    1111The partners of this project were Thales, CEA-LIST, TIMA, LESTER.
    12 This project has reached all its objectives in time and has been well ranked by the reviewer.
     12This project has reached all its objectives in time and has been well ranked by the reviewers.
    1313In 2002-2003 he was product manager for an ESL design and verification
    14 environment based on SystemC. Emmanuel is graduated from the Conservatoire
     14environment based on SystemC. Emmanuel is a graduate of Conservatoire
    1515National des Arts et M\'etiers in the field of digital electronics for communications.
    1616Emmanuel contributed to the publication of 10 white papers in the ESL design flot management area.
  • anr/section-project-task-schedule.tex

    r311 r348  
    7777    3) NIOS processor instruction set extension is supported, but only for user
    7878    specified patterns.
    79     4) GAUT enhencements are not available.
     79    4) GAUT enhancements are not available.
    8080\item[Final Release ($T0+36$)]
    110110    on the neutral architectural template is also an efficient on the other
    111111    architectural templates.
    112     The project will allow to verify experimentally this assumption.
     112    The project will allow an experimental verification of this assumption.
    113113%  \item[Virtual prototyping of \altera \& \xilinx architectural templates
    114114%    ({\NOVERScsgImplementation})]
  • anr/section-ressources.tex

    r335 r348  
    207207  No specific equipment acquisition is required for this project.
    208208\item[Personnel costs]
    209   \mds employees involved in the project are permanent managers, engineers and doctors.
     209  \mds employees involved in the project are permanent managers, engineers and PhD graduates.
    210210  The man power detail in \hommemois by deliverables is given in
    211211  figure~\ref{table-livrables-1} and a sumary by task in the following table.
    224224\subsection{Partner 7: \bull}
    253252    estimated to 13 \hommemois.
    254253    The effort to describe and develop the application is estimated to 14 \hommemois.
    255     Finally we need one \hommemois for the partiticipation to the global specification in task 2.
     254    Finally we need one man*month for the partiticipation to the global specification in task 2.
    256255    This is sumarized in the table below:
    257256    \begin{center}\input{table_thales_full.tex}\end{center}
  • anr/task-demonstrator.tex

    r334 r348  
    5556        This deliverable is a document that specifies the application.
    5657      \itemL{6}{12}{x}{\Sthales}{\thales demonstrator}{4:0:0}
    57         This deliverable is the code of the application specified former
     58        This deliverable is the code of the application specified in the former
    5859        deliverable (\trtAppSpecification).
    5960    \end{livrable}
  • anr/task-dissemination.tex

    r343 r348  
    2828        This deliverable deals with the packaging of the open sources  milestones and
    2929        final releases with their installation manuals and to publish then into the WEB
    30         site. This packaging will be done for standard Unix environment using
     30        site. This packaging will be done for standard Unix environments using
    3131        the usual open source installation configuration tools (automake, autoconf).
    3232      \itemL{6}{36}{d+x}{\Smds}{Commercial release}{1:.5:.5}
    6666   \begin{livrable}
    6767   \itemL{21}{27}{d}{\Stima}{CSG User manual}{0:.5:1}
    68         This user manual shows how to generate a complete HW/SW system by using CSG tool.
     68        This user manual shows how to generate a complete HW/SW system by using the CSG tool.
    6969    \itemL{21}{27}{d}{\Slip}{HAS front-end user manual}{0:.5:1}
    7070        This user manual shows how to apply loop transformations to a task.
    8888        \OtherPartner{12}{36}{\Sbull}  {0:.5:.5}
    8989        \OtherPartner{12}{36}{\Sthales}{0:1:1}
    90         This deliverable groups the effort to make to know COACH. It consists
     90        This deliverable groups the effort to make COACH better known. It consists
    9191        mainly in writing/submitting papers and in presenting COACH in to trade
    9292        show and workshop and organizing a final white paper.
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