Feb 6, 2011, 2:29:09 PM (14 years ago)

1ere Pre-release

1 edited


  • anr/section-dissemination.tex

    r324 r356  
    2323The COACH project will bring new scientific results in various fields, such as high level synthesis,
    2424hardware/software codesign, virtual prototyping, hardware oriented compilation techniques,
    25 automatic parallelisation, etc. These results will be published in relevant International
     25automatic parallelization, etc. These results will be published in relevant International
    2626Conferences, namely DATE, DAC, or ICCAD.
    2828More generally, the COACH infrastructure and the design flow supported by the COACH
    2929tools and libraries will be promoted by proposing tutorials on FPGA oriented system level synthesis
    30 in various worshops and conferences (DATE, DAC, CODES+ISSS...).
     30in various workshops and conferences (DATE, DAC, CODES+ISSS...).
    3232Several COACH partners being members of the HiPEAC European Network of Excellence
    3333(High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation), courses will be proposed for the
    3434HiPEAC summer school on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for Embedded Systems.
    36 Following the general policy of the SoCLib platform, the COACH project will be an
    37 open infrastructure, and the COACH tools and libraries will be available in the framework
    38 of the SoCLib WEB server. This server will be maintened by the UPMC/LIP6 laboratory.
     36The COACH project will be an open infrastructure, and the COACH tools and libraries will be available via
     37a WEB server. This server will be maintained by the UPMC/LIP6 laboratory.
    4039On the standardization side, some effort will be made for analysing how the work around IP-XACT
    41 could be donated for the evolution of the IEEE 1685 standard. Magillem is board member of
     40could be donated for the evolution of the IEEE 1685 standard. \mds is board member of
    4241Accellera, TRT, TIMA and LIP6 are members, so we'll try to have some influence and at least
    4342communicate on the fact that our solutions will be compatible with the standard.
    5655All software tools supporting the COACH design flow will be available as free software.
    5756All academic partners contributing to the COACH project agreed to distribute the ESL software
    58 tools under the same GPL license as the SoCLib tools. 
     57tools under the same GPL license.
    6059The SystemC simulation models for the hardware components
    7574synthesis tools developed in the COACH project.
    77 \mds will propose a commercial version of COACH, integrated into Magillem tool suite and compatible with a standard IP-XACT flow.
    78 This version will integrate some generic features, already available for production (some of them from standard Magillem pack, some other developped in COACH). Other COACH features will have to be tailored for the specifics of the customer framework and will generate service business.
     76\mds will propose a commercial version of COACH, integrated into \mds tool suite and compatible with a standard IP-XACT flow.
     77This version will integrate some generic features, already available for
     78production (some of them from standard \mds pack, some other developed in
     79COACH). Other COACH features will have to be tailored for the specifics of the
     80customer framework and will generate service business.
    8890The interest for \mds in this project is multiple.
    90 \item We will collaborate in experiments for the integration of High Level Synthesis engines into IP-XACT based flow.
    91 This point will be very valuable because more and more system integrators are using or considering to use
    92 HLS in their flow (e.g. Astrium, Airbus, etc.)
    93 \item \mds has already a leading position in the usage of IP-XACT standard for managing innovative SoC design
    94 methodologies. This project will allow to keep the advance in regards with competition by anticipating
    95 the next generation platforms hosting mutli cores and programmable logic for coprocessors.
    96 \item HPC is a topic that was not covered yet by \mds with its customers. Thanks to this project, \mds will
    97 collaborate with BULL on this point and this will open us doors for new customers market.
    98 \item This project has been set up for maximizing the industrial exploitation of results. The role of \mds will
    99 be to ensure this objective and after the project, we expect a growing contribution for rising the turnover (2015: 2 new customers = 100keuros,
    100 2016: 4 new customers = 250keuros, 2017: 5 new customers = 400Keuros). These numbers are not high but we tried to keep them realistic.
    101 The return on investment is nevertheless important and we can also expect side effects of this project on sales with existing
    102 customers and prospects interrested in the global magillem solution.
     93We will collaborate in experiments for the integration of High Level Synthesis
     94engines into IP-XACT based flow.  This point will be very valuable because more
     95and more system integrators are using or considering to use HLS in their flow
     96(e.g. Astrium, Airbus, etc.).
     98\mds has already a leading position in the usage of IP-XACT standard for
     99managing innovative SoC design methodologies. This project will allow to keep
     100the advance in regards with competition by anticipating the next generation
     101platforms hosting multi-cores and programmable logic for coprocessors.
     103HPC is a topic that was not covered yet by \mds with its customers. Thanks to
     104this project, \mds will collaborate with BULL on this point and this will open
     105us doors for new customers market.
     107This project has been set up for maximizing the industrial exploitation of results.
     108The role of \mds will be to ensure this objective and after the project, we
     109expect a growing contribution for rising the turnover
     110(2015: 2 new customers = 100 k\euro,
     111 2016: 4 new customers = 250 k\euro,
     112 2017: 5 new customers = 400 k\euro).
     113These numbers are not high but we tried to keep them realistic.
     114The return on investment is nevertheless important and we can also expect side
     115effects of this project on sales with existing customers and prospects
     116interested in the global \mds solution.
    108122HPC solutions. The main expectation from COACH is to derive a new component (fine-grain
    109123FPGA parallelism) to add to existing Bull HPC solutions.
    111 %\subsubsection*{Partner: \textit{\xilinx}}
    112 %Computing power potential of our FPGA architectures
    113 %growing very quickly on one side, and complexity of designs implemented
    114 %using our FPGAs dramatically increasing on the other side, it is very
    115 %interesting for us to get high level design methodologies progressing
    116 %quickly and targetting our FPGAs in the most possible efficient way.
    117 %\parlf
    118 %\xilinx goal is to get COACH to generate bitstream optimized as much as possible for
    119 %\xilinx FPGAs in order to both, validate the methodology on our FPGA families, and ease
    120 %future work of our customers.
    122125\subsubsection*{Partner: \textit{\thales}}
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