Feb 6, 2011, 2:29:09 PM (14 years ago)

1ere Pre-release

1 edited


  • anr/section-ressources.tex

    r353 r356  
    3232      devra être justifiée.
    37 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    38 \subsection{Partner 1: \inria}
    40 \begin{description}
    41 \item [Equipment]
    42   No specific equipment acquisition.
    43 \item [Personnel costs] The faculty members involved in the project
    44   are François Charot (INRIA researcher) and Steven Derrien (associate
    45   professor). The non-permanent personal required is a PhD
    46   student that will mainly work on ASIP generation. We are looking for
    47   a profile with strong informatic skills and good knowledge in
    48   computer architecture.
    49   \parlf
    50   The table below summarizes the manpower in \hommemois by tasks for both permanent and
    51   non-permanent personnels. The detail by deliverables is given in
    52   annexe~\ref{table-livrables-inria} (page \pageref{table-livrables-inria}).
    53   The non-permanent personnels costs represent {48\%} of the personnal
    54   costs. The requested funding for non permanent personnels is 100\% of
    55   the total ANR requested funding.
    56     \begin{center}\input{table_inria_cairn_short.tex}\end{center}
    57 \item [Subcontracting]
    58   No subcontracting costs.
    59 \item [Travel]
    60   The travel costs are associated to project meeting as well as participation to
    61   conferences. The travel costs are estimated to {7,5\%} of the total
    62   requested ANR funding.
    63 \item [Expenses for inward billing]
    64   The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated to 4\% of the total
    65   requested ANR funding.
    66 \end{description}
    69 \subsection{Partner 2: \lip}
    71 \begin{description}
    72 \item [Equipment]
    73   No specific equipment acquisition. The costs for depreciation of
    74   workstations is evaluated to 4\% of the total requested ANR funding.
    75 \item [Personnel costs] The faculty members involved in the project
    76   are Christophe Alias (INRIA researcher) and Paul Feautrier (emeritus
    77   professor at ENS-Lyon). The non-permanent personel required is a
    78   post-doc that will work on FIFO construction, then on extensions of
    79   process construction and memory optimization to non-polyhedral
    80   loops.  We are looking for a candidate with both theoretical and
    81   practical skills, that will be able to get a sufficient
    82   understanding of the polyhedral techniques to produce a working
    83   implementation.
    84   \parlf
    85   The table below summarizes the \hommemois by tasks for both permanent
    86   and non-permanent personnels.
    87   Annexe~\ref{table-livrables-lip} (page \pageref{table-livrables-lip})
    88   details this table at the deliverable level.
    89   The effort of permanent personnels represents 61\% of
    90   the total effort. The non-permanent personnels costs represents
    91   52\% of the personal costs. The requested funding for non permanent
    92   personnels is 100\% of the total ANR requested
    93   funding.
    94   \begin{center}\input{table_inria_compsys_short.tex}\end{center}
    95 \item [Subcontracting]
    96   No subcontracting costs.
    97 \item [Travel]
    98   The travel costs are associated to project meeting as well as
    99   participation to conferences. The travel costs are estimated to 20\%
    100   of the total requested ANR funding.
    101 \item [Expenses for inward billing]
    102   The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated
    103   to 4\% of the total requested ANR funding.
    104 \end{description}
    106 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    107 \subsection{Partner 3: \tima}
    109 \begin{description}
    110 \item [Equipment]
    111   No specific equipment acquisition.
    112 \item [Personnel costs]
    113   The permanent personnels involved in the project are professor and associate professor
    114   (Fr\'ed\'eric P\'etrot and Olivier Muller).
    115   The non permanent personnels are Phd students and post-doc researchers.
    116   Related costs are estimated in \hommemois.
    117   One phd student (Adrien Prost-Boucle), funded by the French ministry of research, will
    118   be working on the project.
    119   One 100\% funded phd student will be hired in September 2011. A post-doc researcher will
    120   be hired at the end of 2012 for one year.
    121   The PhD student will mainly work on the evolution of UGH HLS tool. Thus, we are looking
    122   for a profile with strong informatic skills and good knowledge in computer architecture.
    123   The post-doc will mainly work on HPC. The required profile
    124   will be more oriented on computer architecture and advanced digital design.
    125   \parlf
    126   The table below summarizes the man power in \hommemois by tasks for both permanent and
    127   non-permanent personnels. The detail by deliverables is given in
    128   annexe~\ref{table-livrables-tima} (page \pageref{table-livrables-tima}).
    129   The effort of permanent personnels represents 50\% of the total effort.
    130   The requested funding for non permanent personnels is 86\% of the total ANR requested
    131   funding.
    132     \begin{center}\input{table_tima_short.tex}\end{center}
    133 \item [Subcontracting]
    134   No subcontracting costs.
    135 \item [Travel]
    136   The travel costs are associated to project meeting as well as participation to
    137   conferences. The travel costs are estimated to 10\% of the total requested ANR funding.
    138 \item [Expenses for inward billing]
    139   The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated to 4\% of the total
    140   requested ANR funding.
    141 \end{description}
    143 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    144 \subsection{Partner 4: \ubs}
    146 \begin {description}
    147 \item [Equipment]
    148   In order to validate the design flow project, the Lab-STICC laboratory will buy FPGA
    149   developpement boards.  The cost for these FPGA boards is estimated to 3\% of the total
    150   ANR funding.
    151 \item [Personnel costs]
    152   The faculty members involved in the project are associate professors (Philippe COUSSY,
    153   Cyrille CHAVET) or research engineers (Dominique HELLER). All non-permanent personnel
    154   costs are estimated in \hommemois for senior researchers (post-doc or research
    155   engineers).
    156   \parlf
    157   The table below sumarizes the man power in \hommemois by tasks for both permanent and
    158   non-permanent personnels. The detail by deliverables is given in
    159   annexe~\ref{table-livrables-usb} (page \pageref{table-livrables-usb}).
    160   The non-permanent personnels costs represent 50\% of the personnal costs.
    161   The requested funding for non permanent personnels is about 83\% of the total ANR
    162   requested funding.
    163     \begin{center}\input{table_ubs_short.tex}\end{center}
    164 \item [Subcontracting]
    165   No subcontracting costs.
    166 \item [Travel]
    167   The travel costs are associated to management and meeting as well as participation to
    168   conferences. The travel costs are estimated to 10\% of the total requested ANR funding.
    169 \item [Expenses for inward billing]
    170   The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated to 4\% of the total
    171   requested ANR funding.
    172 \end {description}
    175 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    176 \subsection{Partner 5: \upmc}
    178 \begin{description}
    179 \item[Equipment]
    180     No specific equipment acquisition is required for this project.
    181     The costs for depreciation of workstations and pre-existing FPGA boards are evaluated
    182     to 7\% of the total requested ANR funding.
    183 \item[Personnel costs]
    184     The permanent personnels involved in the project are professors or assistant
    185     processors (Alain Greiner and Ivan Aug\'e).
    186     All non permanent personnel costs are estimated in \hommemois for senior researchers
    187     (post-doc or research engineers).
    188     The table below sumarizes the man power by tasks in \hommemois for both permanent  and
    189     non-permanent personnels.
    190     The detail by deliverables is given in annexe~\ref{table-livrables-upmc} (page \pageref{table-livrables-upmc}).
    191     The non-permanent personnels costs (24 \hommemois) represent 46\% of the personnal costs.
    192     The requested funding for non permanent personnels is 79\% of the total ANR
    193     requested funding.
    194     \begin{center}\input{table_upmc_short.tex}\end{center}
    195 \item[Subcontracting]
    196     No subcontracting costs.
    197 \item[Travel]
    198     The travel costs are associated to management and coordination meeting as
    199     well as participation to conferences. The travel costs are estimated
    200     to 10\% of the total requested ANR funding.
    201 \item[Expenses for inward billing]
    202     The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated to 4\%
    203     of the total requested ANR funding.
    204 \end{description}
    206 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    207 \subsection{Partner 6: \mdslong}
    209 \begin{description}
    210 \item[Equipment]
    211   No specific equipment acquisition is required for this project.
    212 \item[Personnel costs]
     38    \def\tmp{}
     39    \begin{description}
     40        \setlength{\itemsep}{1pt}
     41        \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}
     42        \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}
     43        \item[Equipment]
     44            \def\cont{#2}
     45            \ifx\cont\tmp\def\cont{No specific equipment acquisition is required for this project.}\fi
     46            \cont
     47        \item[Personnel costs]
     48            #3\\
     49            \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}\center\input{table_#1_short.tex}\end{minipage}
     50        \item[Subcontracting] No subcontracting costs.
     51        \item[Travel]
     52            The travel costs are associated to project meeting as well as participation to
     53            conferences. The travel costs are estimated to #4\% of the total requested ANR funding.
     54        \item[Expenses for inward billing]
     55            \def\cont{#5}
     56            \ifx\cont\tmp\def\cont{None.}\else\def\cont{%
     57              The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated
     58              to #5\% of the total requested ANR funding.}\fi
     59              \cont
     60        %\item[Other working costs] None
     61    \end{description}
     66   \mycnt=#4\multiply\mycnt100\divide\mycnt#3
     67   The #2 effort is \textbf{#3} \hommemois, the table below details it by tasks and the
     68   table in annexe~\ref{table-livrables-#1} (page \pageref{table-livrables-#1})
     69   details it by deliverables.
     70   The permanent personnels are #5.
     71   The effort due to the non permanent personnels is \textbf{#4} \hommemois
     72   (\textbf{\the\mycnt\%} of the total effort).
     73   %All non permanent personnel costs are estimated in \hommemois for senior researchers (post-doc or research engineers).
     74   The requested funding for non permanent personnels is \textbf{#6\%} of the total ANR
     75   requested funding.
     76   #7
     79  \ressources{#1}{#2}{\AcademicPersonalCost{#1}#3}{#4}{#5}
     83The global effort is 358 \hommemois (\hommemoislong),
     84the part of academic partners is 236 \hommemois (66\% of the global effort)
     85and the part of the industrial partners is 122 \hommemois (\textbf{34\%} of the
     86global effort).
     87The tables of annexe~\ref{effort:by:livrable} gives this global effort by deliverables,
     88those of annexe~\ref{effort:by:partner:livrable} shows this global effort by partner and
     90\textbf{NOTICE:} In these tables and in the following sections the units is the
     91\hommemois of a senior researcher (post-doc or research engineers).
     94\subsection{Partner 1: \mdslong}
     96  {}
     97  {
    21398  \mds employees involved in the project are permanent managers, engineers and PhD graduates.
    21499  The man power detail in \hommemois by deliverables is given in
    215100  annexe~\ref{table-livrables-mds} (page \pageref{table-livrables-mds}).
    216   and a sumary by task in the following table.
    217   \begin{center}\input{table_mds_short.tex}\end{center}
    218 \item[Subcontracting]
    219   No subcontracting costs.
    220 \item[Travel]
    221   The travel costs are associated to project meeting as well as participation to
    222   conferences. The travel costs are estimated to 2\% of the total requested ANR funding.
    223 \item[Expenses for inward billing] none
    224 \item[Other working costs] none
    225 \end{description}
     101  and a summary by task in the following table.
     102   \mustbecompleted{\\MDS: Vous n'etes dans aucuns projets annexe 7.3 ?}
     103  }
     104  {2}
     105  {}
     107% \begin{description}
     108% \item[Equipment]
     109%   No specific equipment acquisition is required for this project.
     110% \item[Personnel costs]
     111%   \mds employees involved in the project are permanent managers, engineers and PhD graduates.
     112%   The man power detail in \hommemois by deliverables is given in
     113%   annexe~\ref{table-livrables-mds} (page \pageref{table-livrables-mds}).
     114%   and a sumary by task in the following table.
     115%   \begin{center}\input{table_mds_short.tex}\end{center}
     116% \item[Subcontracting]
     117%   No subcontracting costs.
     118% \item[Travel]
     119%   The travel costs are associated to project meeting as well as participation to
     120%   conferences. The travel costs are estimated to 2\% of the total requested ANR funding.
     121% \item[Expenses for inward billing] none
     122% \item[Other working costs] none
     123% \end{description}
     126\subsection{Partner 2: \upmc}
     128  {upmc}
     129  { In order to validate the COACH design flow, \upmc will buy FPGA development
     130    boards (especially 1  PCI/E FPGA \xilinx board).
     131    The cost for these boards is estimated to 4500 \euro (3\% of the total ANR funding).}
     132  {{\upmc}{52}{24}{Alain Greiner and Ivan Aug\'e}{87}{
     133     We are looking for a profile with strong skills in SW development and good
     134     knowledge in SoC design and virtual prototyping.
     135   }}
     136  {7}{3.5}
     138% \begin{description}
     139% \item[Equipment]
     140%     In order to validate the COACH design flow, \upmc will buy FPGA development
     141%     boards (especially 1  PCI/E FPGA \xilinx board).
     142%     The cost for these boards is estimated to 6 k\euro (4\% of the total ANR funding).
     143% \item[Personnel costs]
     144%     The permanent personnels involved in the project are professors or assistant
     145%     professors (Alain Greiner and Ivan Aug\'e).
     146%     All non permanent personnel costs are estimated in \hommemois for senior researchers
     147%     (post-doc or research engineers).
     148%     The table below sumarizes the man power by tasks in \hommemois for both permanent  and
     149%     non-permanent personnels.
     150%     The detail by deliverables is given in annexe~\ref{table-livrables-upmc} (page \pageref{table-livrables-upmc}).
     151%     The non-permanent personnels costs (24 \hommemois) represent 46\% of the personnal costs.
     152%     The requested funding for non permanent personnels is 79\% of the total ANR
     153%     requested funding.
     154%     \begin{center}\input{table_upmc_short.tex}\end{center}
     155% \item[Subcontracting]
     156%     No subcontracting costs.
     157% \item[Travel]
     158%     The travel costs are associated to management and coordination meeting as
     159%     well as participation to conferences. The travel costs are estimated
     160%     to 10\% of the total requested ANR funding.
     161% \item[Expenses for inward billing]
     162%     The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated to 4\%
     163%     of the total requested ANR funding.
     164% \end{description}
     168\subsection{Partner 3: \ubs}
     170  {ubs}
     171  { In order to validate the design flow project, the Lab-STICC laboratory will buy FPGA
     172    development boards.  The cost for these FPGA boards is estimated to 3\% of the total
     173    ANR funding.
     174    \mustbecompleted{INCOHERENCE avec SITE ANR}
     175  }
     176  {{\ubs}{48}{24}{Philippe COUSSY, Cyrille CHAVET and Dominique HELLER}{83}{
     177   \mustbecompleted{\\UBS: A) manque 1 profil ici, B) dans annexe 7.2 il ne faut que 5
     178   publis de moins de 5 ans, C) Vous n'etes dans aucuns projets annexe 7.3 ?}
     179   \mustbecompleted{\\UBS:  ./gantt < anr.gant\\
     180   \t WARNING: ubs       :D511 probleme sur l'an 1 (in table=7.0, in gantt=6.0 \\
     181   \t ERROR:   ubs       :D840 probleme sur l'an 1 (in table=0.5, in gantt=0.0}
     182  }}
     183  {10}{4}
     185% \begin {description}
     186% \item [Equipment]
     187%   In order to validate the design flow project, the Lab-STICC laboratory will buy FPGA
     188%   development boards.  The cost for these FPGA boards is estimated to 3\% of the total
     189%   ANR funding.
     190% \item [Personnel costs]
     191%   The faculty members involved in the project are associate professors (Philippe COUSSY,
     192%   Cyrille CHAVET) or research engineers (Dominique HELLER). All non-permanent personnel
     193%   costs are estimated in \hommemois for senior researchers (post-doc or research
     194%   engineers).
     195%   \parlf
     196%   The table below summarizes the man power in \hommemois by tasks for both permanent and
     197%   non-permanent personnels. The detail by deliverables is given in
     198%   annexe~\ref{table-livrables-usb} (page \pageref{table-livrables-usb}).
     199%   The non-permanent personnels costs represent 50\% of the personnel costs.
     200%   The requested funding for non permanent personnels is about 83\% of the total ANR
     201%   requested funding.
     202%     \begin{center}\input{table_ubs_short.tex}\end{center}
     203% \item [Subcontracting]
     204%   No subcontracting costs.
     205% \item [Travel]
     206%   The travel costs are associated to management and meeting as well as participation to
     207%   conferences. The travel costs are estimated to 10\% of the total requested ANR funding.
     208% \item [Expenses for inward billing]
     209%   The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated to 4\% of the total
     210%   requested ANR funding.
     211% \end {description}
     214\subsection{Partner 4: \liplong}
     216 {inria_compsys}{}
     217 {{\lip}{46}{22}{Christophe Alias and Paul Feautrier}{100}{
     218   \\We are looking for a candidate with both theoretical and
     219   practical skills, that will be able to get a sufficient
     220   understanding of the polyhedral techniques.
     221   \mustbecompleted{\\LIP: DANS FIG.8 vous avez 28 hm. 46-28=18 --> 40\%\\
     222   IL FAUT ETRE <= 50\%, le max de non permanent est 23.}
     223   \mustbecompleted{\\LIP: Vous n'etes dans aucuns projets annexe 7.3 ?}
     224   \mustbecompleted{\\LIP: ./gantt < anr.gant\\
     225   \t WARNING: lip       :D432 probleme sur l'an 2 (in table=7.0, in gantt=6.0 \\
     226   \t WARNING: lip       :D432 probleme sur l'an 3 (in table=13.0, in gantt=12.0\\
     227   \t ERROR:   lip       :D730 probleme sur l'an 3 (in table=0.0, in gantt=3.0}
     228   }}
     229 {\mustbecompleted{(LIP: ca fait beaucoup) }20}{4}
     231% \begin{description}
     232% \item [Equipment]
     233%   No specific equipment acquisition. The costs for depreciation of
     234%   workstations is evaluated to 4\% of the total requested ANR funding.
     235% \item [Personnel costs] The faculty members involved in the project
     236%   are Christophe Alias (INRIA researcher) and Paul Feautrier (emeritus
     237%   professor at ENS-Lyon). The non-permanent personel required is a
     238%   post-doc that will work on FIFO construction, then on extensions of
     239%   process construction and memory optimization to non-polyhedral
     240%   loops.  We are looking for a candidate with both theoretical and
     241%   practical skills, that will be able to get a sufficient
     242%   understanding of the polyhedral techniques to produce a working
     243%   implementation.
     244%   \parlf
     245%   The table below summarizes the \hommemois by tasks for both permanent
     246%   and non-permanent personnels.
     247%   Annexe~\ref{table-livrables-lip} (page \pageref{table-livrables-lip})
     248%   details this table at the deliverable level.
     249%   The effort of permanent personnels represents 61\% of
     250%   the total effort. The non-permanent personnels costs represents
     251%   52\% of the personal costs. The requested funding for non permanent
     252%   personnels is 100\% of the total ANR requested
     253%   funding.
     254%   \begin{center}\input{table_inria_compsys_short.tex}\end{center}
     255% \item [Subcontracting]
     256%   No subcontracting costs.
     257% \item [Travel]
     258%   The travel costs are associated to project meeting as well as
     259%   participation to conferences. The travel costs are estimated to 20\%
     260%   of the total requested ANR funding.
     261% \item [Expenses for inward billing]
     262%   The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated
     263%   to 4\% of the total requested ANR funding.
     264% \end{description}
     267\subsection{Partner 5: \tima}
     269  {tima}{}
     270  {{\tima}{48}{24}{Fr\'ed\'eric P\'etrot, Olivier Muller and Adrien Prost-Boucle}{86}{
     271    \\One 100\% funded phd student will be hired in September 2011, we are looking
     272    for a profile with strong informatic skills and good knowledge in computer architecture.
     273    A post-doc researcher will be hired at the end of 2012 for one year, the
     274    required profile will be more oriented on computer architecture and
     275    advanced digital design.
     276    \mustbecompleted{\\TIMA: \begin{itemize}
     277      \item chiffre delirant: dans figure 8 vous avez 52 hm ??? vous devez avoir 24.
     278      \item vous dites ci dessus que vous embauchez pour 50 hm, hors l'effort
     279      des non permanent est 24 ???
     280    \end{itemize}\mbox{}}
     281    }}
     282 {10}{4}
     284% \begin{description}
     285% \item [Equipment]
     286%   No specific equipment acquisition.
     287% \item [Personnel costs]
     288%   The permanent personnels involved in the project are professor and associate professor
     289%   (Fr\'ed\'eric P\'etrot and Olivier Muller).
     290%   The non permanent personnels are Phd students and post-doc researchers.
     291%   Related costs are estimated in \hommemois.
     292%   One phd student (Adrien Prost-Boucle), funded by the French ministry of research, will
     293%   be working on the project.
     294%   One 100\% funded phd student will be hired in September 2011.
     295%   A post-doc researcher will be hired at the end of 2012 for one year.
     296%   The PhD student will mainly work on the evolution of UGH HLS tool. Thus, we are looking
     297%   for a profile with strong informatic skills and good knowledge in computer architecture.
     298%   The post-doc will mainly work on HPC. The required profile
     299%   will be more oriented on computer architecture and advanced digital design.
     300%   \parlf
     301%   The table below summarizes the man power in \hommemois by tasks for both permanent and
     302%   non-permanent personnels. The detail by deliverables is given in
     303%   annexe~\ref{table-livrables-tima} (page \pageref{table-livrables-tima}).
     304%   The effort of permanent personnels represents 50\% of the total effort.
     305%   The requested funding for non permanent personnels is 86\% of the total ANR requested
     306%   funding.
     307%     \begin{center}\input{table_tima_short.tex}\end{center}
     308% \item [Subcontracting]
     309%   No subcontracting costs.
     310% \item [Travel]
     311%   The travel costs are associated to project meeting as well as participation to
     312%   conferences. The travel costs are estimated to 10\% of the total requested ANR funding.
     313% \item [Expenses for inward billing]
     314%   The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated to 4\% of the total
     315%   requested ANR funding.
     316% \end{description}
     319\subsection{Partner 6: \inria}
     321 {inria_cairn}{}
     322 {{\inria}{42}{20}{ François Charot and Steven Derrien}{100}{
     323    We are looking for a profile with strong skills in SW development and good
     324    knowledge in computer architecture.
     325   \mustbecompleted{\\IRISA figure 8 vous avez 18 hm vous devez avoir 22.}
     326   \mustbecompleted{\\IRISA: Vous n'etes dans aucuns projets annexe 7.3 ?}
     327   \mustbecompleted{\\IRISA: ./gantt < anr.gant\\
     328     \t ERROR:   inria     :D420 probleme sur l'an 3 (in table=0.0, in gantt=3.0}
     329    }}
     330 {7.5}{4}
     332% \begin{description}
     333% \item [Equipment]
     334%   No specific equipment acquisition.
     335% \item [Personnel costs] The faculty members involved in the project
     336%   are François Charot (INRIA researcher) and Steven Derrien (associate
     337%   professor).
     338%   The non-permanent personal required is a PhD
     339%   student that will mainly work on ASIP generation. We are looking for
     340%   a profile with strong informatic skills and good knowledge in
     341%   computer architecture.
     342%   \parlf
     343%   The table below summarizes the manpower in \hommemois by tasks for both permanent and
     344%   non-permanent personnels. The detail by deliverables is given in
     345%   annexe~\ref{table-livrables-inria} (page \pageref{table-livrables-inria}).
     346%   The non-permanent personnels costs represent {48\%} of the personnal
     347%   costs. The requested funding for non permanent personnels is 100\% of
     348%   the total ANR requested funding.
     349%     \begin{center}\input{table_inria_cairn_short.tex}\end{center}
     350% \item [Subcontracting]
     351%   No subcontracting costs.
     352% \item [Travel]
     353%   The travel costs are associated to project meeting as well as participation to
     354%   conferences. The travel costs are estimated to {7,5\%} of the total
     355%   requested ANR funding.
     356% \item [Expenses for inward billing]
     357%   The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated to 4\% of the total
     358%   requested ANR funding.
     359% \end{description}
    229362\subsection{Partner 7: \bull}
    230 \begin{description}
    231 \item[Equipment]
    232     Acquisition of a FPGA development board will represent the main equipment cost for
     364  {bull}
     365  { Acquisition of a FPGA development board will represent the main equipment cost for
    233366    Bull in COACH. It is estimated at about 5\% (tbc) of the total funding.
    234 \item[Personnel costs]
    235     A permanent engineer will be assigned full time to the project for a duration of 36
    236     months as shown in the table below that summarizes the man power in \hommemois.
    237     The detail by deliverables is given in
     367    \mustbecompleted{INCOHERENCE avec SITE ANR}
     368    }
     369  {
     370    The man power detail in \hommemois by deliverables is given in
    238371    annexe~\ref{table-livrables-bull} (page \pageref{table-livrables-bull}).
    239     \begin{center}\input{table_bull_short.tex}\end{center}
    240 \item[Subcontracting]
    241     No subcontracting costs.
    242 \item[Travel]
    243     Application of a standard 10\% of the total funding to travel costs.
    244 \item[Expenses for inward billing]
    245     Costs justified by inward billing are estimated to about 5\% of the total funding.
    246 \item[Other working costs] none
    247 \end{description}
     372    and a summary by task in the following table.
     373    \bull employees involved in the project are a manager for 9 \hommemois
     374    and an engineer  for 27 \hommemois.}
     375  {10}{5}
     377% \begin{description}
     378% \item[Equipment]
     379%     Acquisition of a FPGA development board will represent the main equipment cost for
     380%     Bull in COACH. It is estimated at about 5\% (tbc) of the total funding.
     381% \item[Personnel costs]
     382%     A permanent engineer will be assigned full time to the project for a duration of 36
     383%     months as shown in the table below that summarizes the man power in \hommemois.
     384%     The detail  by deliverables is given in
     385%     annexe~\ref{table-livrables-bull} (page \pageref{table-livrables-bull}).
     386%     \begin{center}\input{table_bull_short.tex}\end{center}
     387% \item[Subcontracting]
     388%     No subcontracting costs.
     389% \item[Travel]
     390%     Application of a standard 10\% of the total funding to travel costs.
     391% \item[Expenses for inward billing]
     392%     Costs justified by inward billing are estimated to about 5\% of the total funding.
     393% \item[Other working costs] none
     394% \end{description}
    251398\subsection{Partner 8: \thales}
    253 \begin{description}
    254 \item[Equipment]
    255     In order to validate the design flow,TRT will buy FPGA developpement boards. The cost
    256     for these FPGA boards is estimated to 10 k\euro (6\% of the total ANR funding).
    257 \item[Personnel costs]
    258     The effort to adapt SPEAR DE to generate the input files to COACH framework is
    259     estimated to 13 \hommemois.
    260     The effort to describe and develop the application is estimated to 14 \hommemois.
    261     Finally we need one man*month for the participation to the global specification in task 2.
    262     This is summarized in the table below and detailed by deliverables in
     400  {thales}
     401  { In order to validate the design flow,TRT will buy FPGA developpement boards. The cost
     402    for these FPGA boards is estimated to 11 k\euro (6\% of the total ANR funding).
     403    \mustbecompleted{INCOHERENCE avec SITE ANR}
     404    }
     405  { The man power detail in \hommemois by deliverables is given in
    263406    annexe~\ref{table-livrables-thales} (page \pageref{table-livrables-thales}).
    264     \begin{center}\input{table_thales_short.tex}\end{center}
    265 \item[Subcontracting]
    266     No subcontracting costs.
    267 \item[Travel]
    268     The travel costs are associated to meeting, plenaries as well as participation to
    269     conferences. The travel costs are estimated to 10 k\euro. The travel costs are estimated to
    270     5\% of the total requested ANR funding.
    271 \item[Expenses for inward billing] none
    272 \item[Other working costs] none
    273 \end{description}
     407    and a summary by task in the following table.
     408    \thales employees involved in the project are a manager for 18 \hommemois
     409    and an engineer  for 18 \hommemois.}
     410  {5}{}
     412% \begin{description}
     413% \item[Equipment]
     414%     In order to validate the design flow,TRT will buy FPGA developpement boards. The cost
     415%     for these FPGA boards is estimated to 10 k\euro (6\% of the total ANR funding).
     416% \item[Personnel costs]
     417%     The effort to adapt SPEAR DE to generate the input files to COACH framework is
     418%     estimated to 13 \hommemois.
     419%     The effort to describe and develop the application is estimated to 14 \hommemois.
     420%     Finally we need one man*month for the participation to the global specification in task 2.
     421%     This is summarized in the table below and detailed by deliverables in
     422%     annexe~\ref{table-livrables-thales} (page \pageref{table-livrables-thales}).
     423%     \begin{center}\input{table_thales_short.tex}\end{center}
     424% \item[Subcontracting]
     425%     No subcontracting costs.
     426% \item[Travel]
     427%     The travel costs are associated to meeting, plenaries as well as participation to
     428%     conferences. The travel costs are estimated to 10 k\euro. The travel costs are estimated to
     429%     5\% of the total requested ANR funding.
     430% \item[Expenses for inward billing] none
     431% \item[Other working costs] none
     432% \end{description}
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