Changeset 56 for anr/section-3.1.tex

Feb 1, 2010, 6:07:27 PM (14 years ago)

Modifications de TIMA, task-5 et section-3.1 principalement

1 edited


  • anr/section-3.1.tex

    r31 r56  
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    14Our project covers several critical domains in system design in order
    25to achieve high performance computing. Starting from a high level description we aim
    58\subsubsection{High Performance Computing}
    6 Accelerating high-performance computing (HPC) applications with field-programmable
    7 gate arrays (FPGAs) can potentially improve performance.
     9% Un marché bouffé par les archi GPGPU tel que le FERMI de NvidiaCUDA programming language
     10High-Performance Computing (HPC) world is composed of three main families of architectures:
     11many-core, GPGPU (General Purpose computation on Graphics Unit Processing) and FPGA.
     12The two first families are dominating the market by taking benefit
     13of the strength and influence of mass-market leaders (Intel, Nvidia)
     14%such as Intel for many-core CPU and Nvidia for GPGPU.
     15In this market, FPGA architectures are emerging and very promising.
     16By adapting architecture to the software, % (the opposite is done in the others families)
     17FPGAs architectures enable better performance
     18(typically between x10 and x100 accelerations)
     19while using smaller size and less energy (and heat).
    820However, using FPGAs presents significant challenges~\cite{hpc06a}.
    921First, the operating frequency of an FPGA is low compared to a high-end microprocessor.
    1022Second, based on Amdahl law,  HPC/FPGA application performance is unusually sensitive
    1123to the implementation quality~\cite{hpc06b}.
    12 Finally, High-performance computing programmers are a highly sophisticated but scarce
    13 resource. Such programmers are expected to readily use new technology but lack the time
    14 to learn a completely new skill such as logic design~\cite{hpc07a} .
    15 \\
     24% Thus, the performance strongly relies on the detected parallelism.
     25% (pour résumer les 2 derniers points)
     26Finally, efficient design methodology are required in order to
     27hide FPGA complexity and the underlying implantation subtleties to HPC users,
     28so that they don't have to change their habits and can have equivalent design productivity
     29than in others families~\cite{hpc07a}.
     31%état de l'art FPGA
    1632HPC/FPGA hardware is only now emerging and in early commercial stages,
    1733but these techniques have not yet caught up.
     34Industrial (Mitrionics~\cite{hpc08}, Gidel~\cite{hpc09}, Convey Computer~\cite{hpc10}) and academic (CHREC)
     35researches on HPC-FPGA are mainly conducted in the USA.
     36None of the approaches developed in these researches are fulfilling entirely the
     37challenges described above. For example, Convey Computer proposes application-specific instruction set extension of x86 cores in FPGA accelerator,
     38but extension generation is not automated and requires hardware design skills.
     39Mitrionics has an elegant solution based on a compute engine specifically
     40developed for high-performance execution in FPGAs. Unfortunately, the design flow
     41is based on a new programming language (mitrionC) implying designer efforts and poor portability.
     42% tool relying on operator libraries (XtremeData), 
     43% Parle t-on de l'OPenFPGA consortium, dont le but est : "to accelerate the incorporation of reconfigurable computing technology in high-performance and enterprise applications" ?
    1845Thus, much effort is required to develop design tools that translate high level
    1946language programs to FPGA configurations.
     47Moreover, as already remarked in~\cite{hpc11}, Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration~\cite{hpc12}
     48(DPR, which enables changing a part of the FPGA, while the rest is still working)
     49appears very interesting for improving HPC performance as well as reducing required area.
    2151\subsubsection{System Synthesis}
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