Changeset 56

Feb 1, 2010, 6:07:27 PM (14 years ago)

Modifications de TIMA, task-5 et section-3.1 principalement

11 edited


  • anr/anr.bib

    r15 r56  
    55  author    = {{M.B. Gokhale and al.}},
    6   title     = {{Promises and Pitfalls of Reconfigurable}},
     6  title     = {{Promises and Pitfalls of Reconfigurable Supercomputing}},
    77  booktitle = {Systems and Algorithms, CSREA Press},
    88  pages     = {11-20},
    2424  year =         {2007},
     27  title        = {Mitrionics},
     28  howpublished = {},
     29  year         = {2009},
     32  title        = {Gidel},
     33  howpublished = {},
     34  year         = {2009},
     37  title        = {Convey Computer},
     38  howpublished = {},
     39  year         = {2009},
     42  author =      {E. El-Araby, I. Gonzalez and T. El-Ghazawi},
     43  title   = {Virtual Architecture and Design Automation for Partial Reconfiguration },
     44  booktitle = {HPRCTA},
     45  year =         {2008},
     48  author =       {{P. Lysaght and J. Dunlop}},
     49  title   = {Dynamic Reconfiguration of Field Programmable Gate Arrays},
     50  booktitle = {Field Programmable Logic and Applications, Oxford, England},
     51  month     = {Sept},
     52  year =         {1993},
    2756% System design
  • anr/section-2.1.tex

    r38 r56  
    9595 to the elimination of huge hardware investment in opposite to ASIC based solution.
    97 This new market may explode in the same way as the micro-computer matket in the eighties. This success was due
     97This new market may explode in the same way as the micro-computer market in the eighties. This success was due
    9898to the low cost of the first micro-processors (compared to main frames) and the advent of high level
    9999programming languages which allowed a high number of programmers to launch start-ups in software
  • anr/section-2.2.tex

    r30 r56  
    66providing the industry the novel design capabilities enabling them to increase their
    77design productivity with design exploration and synthesis methods that are placed on top
    8 of the stat-of-theart methods, and thus, allowing the industry to better cope with the
     8of the state-of-the-art methods, and thus, allowing the industry to better cope with the
    99complexity of designed digital systems.
  • anr/section-3.1.tex

    r31 r56  
     1% vim:set spell:
     2% vim:spell spelllang=en:
    14Our project covers several critical domains in system design in order
    25to achieve high performance computing. Starting from a high level description we aim
    58\subsubsection{High Performance Computing}
    6 Accelerating high-performance computing (HPC) applications with field-programmable
    7 gate arrays (FPGAs) can potentially improve performance.
     9% Un marché bouffé par les archi GPGPU tel que le FERMI de NvidiaCUDA programming language
     10High-Performance Computing (HPC) world is composed of three main families of architectures:
     11many-core, GPGPU (General Purpose computation on Graphics Unit Processing) and FPGA.
     12The two first families are dominating the market by taking benefit
     13of the strength and influence of mass-market leaders (Intel, Nvidia)
     14%such as Intel for many-core CPU and Nvidia for GPGPU.
     15In this market, FPGA architectures are emerging and very promising.
     16By adapting architecture to the software, % (the opposite is done in the others families)
     17FPGAs architectures enable better performance
     18(typically between x10 and x100 accelerations)
     19while using smaller size and less energy (and heat).
    820However, using FPGAs presents significant challenges~\cite{hpc06a}.
    921First, the operating frequency of an FPGA is low compared to a high-end microprocessor.
    1022Second, based on Amdahl law,  HPC/FPGA application performance is unusually sensitive
    1123to the implementation quality~\cite{hpc06b}.
    12 Finally, High-performance computing programmers are a highly sophisticated but scarce
    13 resource. Such programmers are expected to readily use new technology but lack the time
    14 to learn a completely new skill such as logic design~\cite{hpc07a} .
    15 \\
     24% Thus, the performance strongly relies on the detected parallelism.
     25% (pour résumer les 2 derniers points)
     26Finally, efficient design methodology are required in order to
     27hide FPGA complexity and the underlying implantation subtleties to HPC users,
     28so that they don't have to change their habits and can have equivalent design productivity
     29than in others families~\cite{hpc07a}.
     31%état de l'art FPGA
    1632HPC/FPGA hardware is only now emerging and in early commercial stages,
    1733but these techniques have not yet caught up.
     34Industrial (Mitrionics~\cite{hpc08}, Gidel~\cite{hpc09}, Convey Computer~\cite{hpc10}) and academic (CHREC)
     35researches on HPC-FPGA are mainly conducted in the USA.
     36None of the approaches developed in these researches are fulfilling entirely the
     37challenges described above. For example, Convey Computer proposes application-specific instruction set extension of x86 cores in FPGA accelerator,
     38but extension generation is not automated and requires hardware design skills.
     39Mitrionics has an elegant solution based on a compute engine specifically
     40developed for high-performance execution in FPGAs. Unfortunately, the design flow
     41is based on a new programming language (mitrionC) implying designer efforts and poor portability.
     42% tool relying on operator libraries (XtremeData), 
     43% Parle t-on de l'OPenFPGA consortium, dont le but est : "to accelerate the incorporation of reconfigurable computing technology in high-performance and enterprise applications" ?
    1845Thus, much effort is required to develop design tools that translate high level
    1946language programs to FPGA configurations.
     47Moreover, as already remarked in~\cite{hpc11}, Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration~\cite{hpc12}
     48(DPR, which enables changing a part of the FPGA, while the rest is still working)
     49appears very interesting for improving HPC performance as well as reducing required area.
    2151\subsubsection{System Synthesis}
  • anr/section-3.2.tex

    r33 r56  
    8383one design space exploration tool,
    84 one operating system (OS).
     842 operating system (OS).
    8686The framework fonctionality will be demonstrated with XXX-EXAMPLE1, XXX-EXAMPLE2
  • anr/section-4.1.tex

    r46 r56  
    1111\caption{\label{archi-hpc} software architecture of HPC}
     13%FIXME: la figure ne montre que l'aspect simulation. Intégrer la partie génération (PC API, PCIX, FPGA-IP, bridge vers VCI, SoC API) serait un plus, non ?
    1415Figures~\ref{archi-csg}, \ref{archi-hls} and \ref{archi-hpc}
    1718has to provide.
    19 For the system genration presented in figure~\ref{archi-csg}, the conductor
     20For the system generation presented in figure~\ref{archi-csg}, the conductor
    2021is the tool \verb!CSG! (COACH System Generator). Its inputs are a process
    2122network describing the application to design and the synthesis parameters.
    3233design space or as a bitstream\footnote{COACH generates synthesizable VHDL, and
    3334launch the Xilinx or Altera RTL synthesis tools.} directly downloadable on the
    34 FPGA device.
     35FPGA device\footnote{Additional partial bitstreams are generated in case of
     36 dynamic partial reconfiguration}.
    3638%To proove CSG that COACH is open and CSG is really configurable, COACH will
    6567other running in a FPGA plugged on the PCI/X PC bus. The two parts exchange data
    6668through communication primitives (tag 2) implemented in a library.
    67 To evaluate if the relevance of the partitioning, the designer can build a
     69The relevance of the partitioning is evaluated through a
    6870simulator. Once the partitioning is validated, the design of the FPGA part
    6971is done through \verb!CSG! (figure~\ref{archi-csg}).
    7175\mustbecompleted{FIXME == MODIFICATION DE LA FIGURE}
    9397\item\textbf{Communication between PC \& FPGA-SoC:}
    9498    This task pools the features dedicated to HPC. The main are the
    95     partitioning validation (see figure~\ref{archi-hpc}, the sytem drivers for
    96     both PC and FPGA-SoC sides, the hardware communication components.
     99    partitioning validation (see figure~\ref{archi-hpc}), the sytem drivers for
     100    both PC and FPGA-SoC sides, the hardware communication components and
     101        support for dynamic partial reconfiguration.
    98103    This task groups the demonstrators of the COACH project.
  • anr/section-4.4.tex

    r51 r56  
    4747    supported.
    4848    The main restriction are:
    49     1) The HAS tools are not yet optimum,
    50     2) dynamic reconfiguration is not supported,
     49    1) The HAS tools have not been yet enhanced,
     50    2) dynamic partial reconfiguration is not supported,
    5151    3) \mustbecompleted{FIXME:ALL .....}
    5252\item[Final Release ($T0+36$)]
  • anr/task-1.tex

    r52 r56  
    3636        The base is the SRL library and the MWMR communication component defined by the SocLib
    3737        ANR project.
    38         Nevertheless, these basic schemes will be enhanced to allow more efficent
     38        Nevertheless, these basic schemes will be enhanced to allow more efficient
    3939        synthesis.
    4040    \itemL{6}{12}{d}{\Stima}{CSG user manual}{1:0:0} \setMacroInAuxFile{specCsgManual}
  • anr/task-2.tex

    r52 r56  
    1414\item the development of all the missing components (SytemC model and/or synthesizable VHDL description),
    1515\item the configuration and the development of drivers of the operating systems,
    16 \item the CSG software that generates the simulators for prototiping and the FPGA-SoC system,
     16\item the CSG software that generates the simulators for prototyping and the FPGA-SoC system,
    1717\item the specification of enhanced communication schemes and their sofware and hardware implementation.
    106106        Maintenance work.
    107107    \itemL{6}{18}{x}{\Stima}{Port of DNA OS}{0:0:0}
    108         Port of MUTEK OS on the NIOS2 and MICROBLAZE processors.
     108        Port of DNA OS on the NIOS2 and MICROBLAZE processors.
    109109    \end{livrable}
  • anr/task-4.tex

    r52 r56  
    8 The objectives of this task are to provide the 2 HAS back-ends of the COACH project and
     8The objectives of this task are to provide the two HAS back-ends of the COACH project and
    99a tool that adapt the coprocessor frequency to the FPGA-SoC frequency as given
    1010by the processors and the BUS.
    1616being generated by \novers{\specXcoachToCA} deliverable and \xcoachplus being treated by
    1717\novers{\specXcoachToSystemC} and \novers{\specXcoachToVhdl} deliverables,
    18 this task is very dependen on task~1.
     18this task is very dependent on task~1.
    2020For the two HAS front-end, this task is based on the already existing HLS tools GAUT and
    3030\item The goal of this \ST is to integrate the UGH HLS tool to the COACH framework. It
    31     consists of suppressing the C commpiler and the SystemC and VHDL drivers and replacing
     31    consists of suppressing the C compiler and the SystemC and VHDL drivers and replacing
    3232    them by \xcoach and \xcoachplus drivers.
    3333    \begin{livrable}
  • anr/task-5.tex

    r52 r56  
     1% vim:set spell:
     2% vim:spell spelllang=en:
    1114\item Helping the HPC designer to find a good partition of the initial application
    12     (figure~\ref{archi-hpc}.
    13 \item Providing communication schemes between the software part runing on the PC and the
     15    (figure~\ref{archi-hpc}).
     16\item Providing communication schemes between the software part running on the PC and the
    1518\item Implementing the communication scheme at all levels: partition help, software
    1619implementation both on the PC and in the operating system of the FPGA-SoC, hardware.
    17 \item FPGA reconfiguration. \mustbecompleted{FIXME:TIMA}
     20\item Providing support for dynamic partial reconfiguration of \xilinx FPGA in order to optimize FPGA ressource usage.
    1923The low level hardware transmission support will be the PCI/X bus which allows high bit-rate
    2024transfers. The reasons of this choices are that both ALTERA and Xilinx provide PCI/X IP for
    2226This will allow us at least to be inspired by GPU communication schemes and may be to reuse
    2327parts of the GPU softwares.
    3137    \itemL{0}{6}{d}{\Supmc}{HPC communication API}{1.0:0:0}
    3238        \setMacroInAuxFile{hpcCommApi}
    33         User refernce manual describing the API.
     39        User reference manual describing the API.
    3440    \end{livrable}
    35 \item This \ST consists in helping to partition the application.
     41\item This \ST consists in helping to partition applications.
    3642    It is a library implementing the communication API with features to profile
    3743    the partitioned application.
     44%FIXME (Olivier) pour moi, on veut un outil de profiling pour partitionner l'application.
     45% It is a profiling (or simulation) library implementing the communication API
    3847    \begin{livrable}
    3948    \itemL{6}{12}{x}{\Supmc}{HPC partionning helper}{1:0:0}
    5261        Port of the {\hpcMutekDriver} driver on the DNA OS.
    5362    \itemL{24}{33}{x}{\Supmc}{HPC API}{0:0:1}
    54         Maintenance work of HPC API for both Lunix PC and MUTEK OS.
     63        Maintenance work of HPC API for both Linux PC and MUTEK OS.
    5564    \end{livrable}
    5665\item This \ST deals with the implementation of hardware required by the COACH
    6473        The synthesizable VHDL description of an AVALON/VCI bridge and its corresponding SystemC model.
    6574    \end{livrable}
    66 \item This \ST deals with the dynamic reconfiguration of an FPGA.
     75\item This \ST consists in integrating dynamic partial reconfiguration of \xilinx FPGA in the CSG design flow.
     76It also includes appropriate SoC-FPGA OS drivers and a modification of the profiling library.
    6778    \begin{livrable}
     79    \itemL{18}{36}{x}{\Supmc}{CSG support for \ganttlf dynamic reconfiguration}
     80        Extension of the \xilinx architectural template ({\csgAllArch})
     81in order to integrate dynamic partial reconfiguration regions.
     82Modification of CSG software to support the extended \xilinx template.
    6883    \itemL{18}{30}{x}{\Stima}{dynamic reconfiguration \ganttlf DNA drivers}{0:0:0}
    6984        \setMacroInAuxFile{hpcDynconfDriver}
    70         \mustbecompleted{FIXME:TIMA ....}
     85        The drivers required by the DNA OS in order to manage dynamic partial reconfiguration inside the SoC-FPGA.
    7186    \itemL{30}{36}{x}{\Supmc}{dynamic reconfiguration \ganttlf MUTEK drivers}{0:0:1}
    72         Port of the {\hpcDynconfDriver} \mustbecompleted{FIXME:TIMA driver} on the MUTEK OS.
    73     \itemL{24}{36}{x}{\Supmc}{CSG support for \ganttlf dynamic reconfiguration}{0:0:2}
    74         \mustbecompleted{FIXME:TIMA ....}
    75     \itemL{18}{36}{x}{\Stima}{PC support for \ganttlf dynamic reconfiguration}{0:0:0}
    76         \mustbecompleted{FIXME:TIMA ....}
    77     \end{livrable}
     87        Port of the {\hpcDynconfDriver} drivers on the MUTEK OS.
     88    \itemL{18}{36}{x}{\Stima}{HPC support for \ganttlf dynamic reconfiguration}{0:0:2}
     89Extension of the HPC partionning helper in order to integrate dynamic partial reconfiguration dedicated features
     90(reconfiguration time of regions, variable number of coprocessors)
    7892\item This \ST is the delivery of 2 PCI/X \mustbecompleted{FIXME: Stratix4} FPGA board
    7993    with its PCI/X IP. These boards are dedicated to the COACH HPC development.
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