Changeset 99 for anr/section-1.tex

Feb 8, 2010, 12:11:05 AM (15 years ago)

IA: 1) mise en page et verification de 2, 2.1, 2.2 4.1. 2) entrer bull/xilinx/navtel dans 6.1 3) xilinx dans 7.

1 edited


  • anr/section-1.tex

    r97 r99  
    44integration of heterogeneous technologies and requires the design of
    55complex Multi-Processors System on Chip (MPSoC).
    6 \par
    77During the last decade, the design of ASICs (Application Specific
    88Integrated Circuits) appeared to be more and more reserved to high volume markets, because
    2020major companies to design innovative devices and to enter new, low and
    2121medium volume markets.
    22 \par
    2323The objective of COACH is to provide an integrated design flow, based on the
    2424SoCLib infrastructure~\cite{soclib}, and optimized for the design of
    3131They can also be extension boards connected to a PC to accelerate a specific computation,
    3232as in High-Performance Computing (HPC) or High-Speed Signal Processing (HSSP).
    33 \par
    3434%verrous scientifiques et techniques
    35 \vspace*{.9ex}\par
    3635The COACH environment will integrate several hardware and software technologies:
    6665    \item An \altera architectural template based on the \altera IP core library and the
    6766      AVALON system bus.
    68     \item A \xilinx architectural template based on the Xlinx IP core library and the OPB
     67    \item A \xilinx architectural template based on the Xlinx IP core library and the PLB
    6968      system bus.
    7069    \end{enumerate}
    8281%independant from both the architectural template and from the selected FPGA
    8584% le programme de travail
    86 \vspace*{.9ex}\par
    8785%The COACH project targets fundamental issues related to design methodologies for
    8886%digital systems by providing estimation, exploration and design tools targeting both
    106104Finally it will use the \xilinx and \altera RTL tools to generate the FPGA configuration
    108 \par
    109107The COACH proposal has been prepared during one year by a technical working group
    110108involving the 5 academic partners (one monthly meeting from january 2009 to february
    115113Because the SocLib platform is the base of this project, it may be described as an
    116114extension of the SoCLib platform.
    118115%The main development steps of the COACH project are:
    135132%    dynamic reconfiguration of FPGA devices.
    138 \par
    139135Two major FPGA companies are involved in the project : \xilinx will contribute
    140136as a contractual partner providing documentation and manpower; \altera will contribute as a supporter,
    141 providing documentation and development boards (\altera). These two companies are strongly motivated
     137providing documentation and development boards. These two companies are strongly motivated
    142138to help the COACH project to generate efficient bitsream for both FPGA families.
    143139The role of the industrial partners \bull, \thales, \navtel and \zied is to provide
    144140real use cases to benchmark the COACH design environment.
    145 \par
    146142Following the general policy of the SoCLib platform, the COACH project will be an open
    147143infrastructure, available in the framework of the SoCLib server.
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