Custom Query (12 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#23 Ability to disable IPIs in SoCLib Xicu driver Nicolas Pouillon enhancement trivial drivers fixed
#11 Handle exceptions through a context switch Nicolas Pouillon enhancement minor hexo fixed
#25 Implement IPI logic for x86 becoulet enhancement minor cpu/x86 fixed
#21 Cleanup IPI handling in scheduler code Nicolas Pouillon task major mutek fixed
#28 IPI and IRQ handling improvements coredev enhancement major hexo fixed
#32 remove lock_spin_irq becoulet enhancement major hexo fixed
#41 Fix memchecker for arm exceptions Nicolas Pouillon defect major cpu/arm fixed
#52 Add NiosII support in preempt branch becoulet task major cpu/nios fixed
#39 Handle Mips delay slot in exception handler Nicolas Pouillon defect critical cpu/mips invalid

Status: new (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#22 Implement per-CPU IRQ stacks for faster IRQ handling becoulet enhancement minor hexo
#37 Add a Worker thread API becoulet enhancement minor mutek
#34 Handle fpu registers in ctx switch becoulet defect major hexo
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