12 years |
cfuguet |
Bugfix in vci_mem_cache_v4:
In function "copy()" of the …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Erasing always false condition in the if statement of the …
12 years |
joannou |
Introducing new generic_llsc_local_table and generic_llsc_global_table …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Erasing in the vci_mem_cache_v4 CLEANUP FSM the transition
between the …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Introducing cache data ram with bit masking in the Memory Cache.
The …
12 years |
joannou |
Updated of the vci trdid/rtrdid and pktid/rpktid fields for the direct …
12 years |
joannou |
Changed default value to 0 for the L1_MULTI_CACHE define
Fixed some …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Fixing bug in the alloc dir FSM. The READ FSM release the lock
on the …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modificating the VCI Memory Cache to align the VHDL and the SOCLIB …
12 years |
meunier |
Added the display of the name of the component in the vci_cc_vcache_v4 …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Introducing new CLEANUP transaction address specification in the …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Bug fix in IXR_RSP FSM. Erroneous condition for the error verification
12 years |
alain |
ntroducing a segmentation violation checking
13 years |
bouyer |
Normalize trace message: address, data and byte enable in hex, …
13 years |
alain |
Fixing a bub in SC_FSM: The write was done too sytematically in the …
13 years |
bouyer |
make the cache monitor function print the FSM state which does the …
13 years |
alain |
Introducing start_monitor() & stop_monitor() methods in vci_mem_cache_v4
13 years |
bouyer |
Introduce read_neutral(), which returns a directory entry without …
13 years |
alain |
13 years |
alain |
mproving the debug mechanisms
14 years |
kane |
vci_cc_xcache_wrapper_v4 : suppress one state (CC_UPDATE)
14 years |
kane |
fix bug in ccxcachev4, save cpu_info in memcachev4
14 years |
guthmull |
Improve activity counters. Table sizes are now instance parameters.
14 years |
kane |
yAjout du multi_cache : plusieurs processeur peuvent ce partager le …
14 years |
guthmull |
Handle bad accesses cleanly : transmit all accesses to the xram and …
14 years |
kane |
add multi write buffer in cc_xcache_v4
14 years |
alain |
Introducing a print_trace() method
14 years |
guthmull |
Fix the masking of RERROR field
14 years |
guthmull |
Add broadcast limitation compatibility, indicate the type of response …
15 years |
guthmull |
Fix a bug with uncached reads, add more debug capabilities
15 years |
guthmull |
Fix uninitialized variable
15 years |
guthmull |
Fix the deadlock also for SC requests
15 years |
guthmull |
Fix a deadlock issue on the coherency network
15 years |
nipo |
Import TSAR modules in TSAR's own svn