Teaching (2024 – 2025)
Note: almost all resources are in French.For Bachelor's degree:
- Introduction to Computer Architecture and Operating Systems (3rd year, resources for the second part of the module)
- Side-Channel Attacks
- Course 1: Introduction, Cryptographic Systems and Power Consumption, Symmetric Encryption (slides)
- Course 2: Differential Attacks, Template Attacks, Masking and Verification (slides)
- Course 3: Statistical Tests, Differential Fault Attacks, Cache and Micro-architectural Attacks (slides)
- Processor Architecture and Code Optimisation (1st year, exercises)
- Compilation (4th year at Polytech' SU) (slides, exercices, project specifications)
- Multicore Architectures (Practicals subjects in English)
- Introduction to the machine and its representations (Bachelor 2nd year, 2015 - 2021)
- Course 1: Boole algebra, boolean functions representation of natural integers (slides)
- Course 2: Addition, substraction and representation of relative integers (slides)
- Course 3: Mips assembly programs (slides)
- Course 4: Memory, global variables, arrays and control structures (slides)
- Course 5: Stack, local variables and function calls (slides)
- Software and hardware computer architecture (Bachelor 3rd year, 2013 - 2019) (site)
- High Performances Architectures, Parallel Programming (Master 2nd year, 2015 - 2019)
- Java (4th year at Polytech' SU, 2013 - 2019)
- MJPEG application and architectural design space exploration (Master 2nd year, 2013 - 2017) (link)
- In charge (with another person) of the master SESI major projects (Master 1st year, 2014 - 2017)
- Machine and representation (Bachelor 2nd year, 2013 - 2015)
- Project 'L3 Vision' (3rd year, 2022):
- Slides (from Lionel Lacassagne): C Macros, Optimisation 1, Optimisation 2, Optimisation 3, SWP, NRC
- Practicals: TP1 C Macros and arrays, TD stencils, TP2 stencils, Code du TP2
- Project: Project description, Project archive, Morpho part
- High-Performance Computing (5th year at Polytech' SU, 2016 - 2023)