7 years |
alain |
Simplify the hal_mmu_exception() function.
7 years |
max |
Handle the return from exception.
7 years |
max |
Implement several GPT functions.
7 years |
max |
Fix a pretty dumb mistake I made in my last commit.
7 years |
max |
Use constant flags.
7 years |
max |
Sync with TSAR.
7 years |
alain |
Add missing defines in the TSAR exception handler.
7 years |
alain |
Remove the generic kernel/kern/do_exception files to handle exceptions …
7 years |
max |
Treat user/kern exceptions differently.
7 years |
max |
Old can be NULL.
7 years |
max |
Switch the VM space, and explicitly disable the FPU.
7 years |
alain |
Change Time unit from cycle to TICK (in millisecond).
Fix several bugs …
8 years |
max |
Remove debug function.
8 years |
max |
Pass the function argument to the new thread.
8 years |
max |
Add a panic, for now we are only switching between kernel threads.
8 years |
max |
Synchronize tls_intr between context switches.
8 years |
max |
Remove unused.
8 years |
max |
We don't support irqbase != 0.
8 years |
max |
Remove soclib_iob on x86.
8 years |
max |
Hide soclib_iob.
8 years |
max |
Initialize rsp0 (in both the TSS and the TLS).
8 years |
max |
Call core_clock - the computation in this function still needs to
be fixed.
8 years |
max |
Mmh, skip tf_trapno and tf_err for iretq.
8 years |
max |
Initialize tf_ss, and don't forget to update tls_thr.
8 years |
max |
Set %eoi earlier for rescheduling interrupts, otherwise the timer …
8 years |
max |
Remove debug code - it's useless anyway.
8 years |
max |
Add support for context switch - not tested yet, due to some other …
8 years |
alain |
Introduce the delayed context switch if current thread has a lock.
8 years |
max |
Rename curcpu -> curtls.
8 years |
max |
Separate the CPU context from the trap frame.
8 years |
max |
Initialize %rbp.
8 years |
max |
Clean up, and fix several SMP-related issues. The LAPIC timer is still …
8 years |
max |
Clean up, and define strstr() in libk.
8 years |
max |
Clean up.
8 years |
max |
We don't care about the base.
8 years |
max |
Remove unused.
8 years |
max |
Don't forget to unmap the region below the kernel. Useful to
detect …
8 years |
alain |
1) Introduce the TSAR hal_cpu_context_switch() function.
2) Introduce …
8 years |
max |
Synchronize with Alain's changes. Still several issues.
8 years |
alain |
Redefine the fuctions ppm_base2page() / ppm_page2base() / …
8 years |
max |
Add hal_remote_memset.
8 years |
alain |
RSeveral modifs in the page-fault handling.
8 years |
max |
Add a --no-smp option.
8 years |
max |
Introduce hal_cpu_context_switch.
8 years |
max |
Use pause().
8 years |
max |
Add clts/stts.
8 years |
max |
Add a basic syscall entry.
8 years |
max |
Forgot to commit this yesterday.
8 years |
max |
Passably handle everything in the function itself.
8 years |
max |
The uspace strcpy function is allowed to fail (not implemented yet).
8 years |
max |
Sync with TSAR.
8 years |
alain |
Several modifs in the generic scheduler and in the hal_context to
fix …
8 years |
max |
Fix previous. Still don't know where the race comes from…
8 years |
max |
Use different stacks for NMIs and Double Faults.
8 years |
max |
Remove soclib_xcu.
8 years |
max |
Define prototype.
8 years |
max |
Must be reg_t.
8 years |
max |
8 years |
max |
8 years |
alain |
1) Introduce independant command fields for the various devices in the …
8 years |
max |
8 years |
max |
Add a SRAT parser. For some reason, QEMU does not want to enable the …
8 years |
max |
Add tls_tf.
8 years |
max |
Use local_cxy for GET_PTR, instead of the triple map. This fixes a …
8 years |
max |
Mmh, fix previous.
8 years |
max |
Mmh, the wait must be done for each block, not for each operation.
8 years |
alain |
Implement vfs_lseek() function.
8 years |
alain |
Fix several bugs in VFS.
8 years |
max |
empty out
8 years |
max |
Remove soclib_fbf on x86.
8 years |
max |
Remove soclib_dma on x86.
8 years |
max |
Hide soclib_dma.
8 years |
max |
Remove soclib_nic on x86.
8 years |
max |
Hide soclib_nic.
8 years |
max |
Remove soclib_mmc on x86.
8 years |
max |
Hide soclib_mmc.
8 years |
max |
Remove the IRQ line. It will have to be enabled somewhere in the
8 years |
max |
Don't route the IRQ for IMPL_TXT_RS2, it is multiplexed in software.
8 years |
max |
8 years |
max |
Remove unused files.
8 years |
max |
8 years |
max |
Remove XCU on x86; not sure if it's still useful on TSAR…
8 years |
max |
Rename soclib_tty->txt_rs232.
8 years |
max |
Hide soclib_tty.
8 years |
max |
Hide the fields.
8 years |
max |
Mmh, some CPUs can boot with the cache disabled, so explicitly
enable it.
8 years |
max |
add a dumb lock for the console
8 years |
max |
some LAPICs can be disabled
8 years |
max |
Make the secondary CPUs jump into kernel_init().
8 years |
alain |
Fixing bugs in vfs_lookup()
8 years |
max |
Attach the secondary CPUs, and for now route the keyboard irq to
cpu1 …
8 years |
max |
Launch the secondary CPUs. For now, they all say hello and enter
an …
8 years |
max |
Start adding some code for SMP support
8 years |
max |
8 years |
max |
Push the context entirely for an exception.
8 years |
max |
8 years |
max |
implement hal_gpt_create
8 years |
max |
Create a (virtual) copy of the local cluster in 0xffffe00000000000, …
8 years |
max |
use panic instead
8 years |
max |
use the asm entry point to save the context