Changeset 112

Feb 8, 2010, 4:09:44 PM (15 years ago)


6 edited


  • anr/section-3.1.tex

    r103 r112  
    113113Regarding these limitations, it is necessary to create a new tool generation reducing the gap
    114114between the specification of an heterogeneous system and its hardware implementation.
    115 %FIXME == {Ajouter ref livre + D&T}
     115\mustbecompleted {FIXME :: Ajouter ref livre + D&T}
    117117\subsubsection{Application Specific Instruction Processors}
  • anr/task-1.tex

    r107 r112  
    2727        descriptions.
    2828    \itemL{6}{12}{d}{\Supmc}{COACH specification}{1:0:0} \setMacroInAuxFile{specGenManual}
    29         The final version of the {\specGenManualI} delivrable updated with the %FIXME == {first}
     29        The final version of the {\specGenManualI} delivrable updated with the \mustbecompleted{FIXME:: first ?}
    3030        feed-backs of the demonstrator \STs.
    3131    \itemV{0}{6}{d}{\Stima}{CSG specification} \setMacroInAuxFile{specCsgManualI}
    3838        synthesis.
    3939    \itemL{6}{12}{d}{\Stima}{CSG specification}{1:0:0} \setMacroInAuxFile{specCsgManual}
    40         The final version of the {\specGenManualI} delivrable updated with the %FIXME == {first}
     40        The final version of the {\specGenManualI} delivrable updated with the \mustbecompleted{FIXME:: first ?}
    4141        feed-backs
    4242        of the demonstrator \STs.
    4747        coprocessor synthesis.
    4848    \itemL{6}{12}{d}{\Subs}{HAS specification}{1:0:0} \setMacroInAuxFile{specHasManual}
    49         The final version of the {\specGenManualI} delivrable updated with the %FIXME == {first}
     49        The final version of the {\specGenManualI} delivrable updated with the \mustbecompleted{FIXME:: first ?}
    5050        feed-backs of
    5151        the demonstrator \STs.
  • anr/task-2.tex

    r108 r112  
    1414\item the development of all the missing components (SytemC models and/or synthesizable VHDL models
    1515of the IP-cores),
    16 \item the configuration and the development of drivers %FIXME == {driver de quoi ???}
     16\item the configuration and the development of drivers \mustbecompleted{FIXME:: driver de quoi ???}
    1717of the operating systems,
    1818\item the CSG software that generates the SystemC simulators for prototyping and the synthesizable description
    19 of the FPGA-SoC system (i.e. its bitstream), %FIXME == {VHDL ou bitstream ???}
     19of the FPGA-SoC system (i.e. its bitstream), \mustbecompleted{FIXME:: VHDL ou bitstream ???}
    2020\item the specification of enhanced communication schemes and their sofware and hardware implementations.
    3737        In this milestone only the SystemC prototyping will be supported for the XILINX
    3838        and ALTERA architectural template.
    39         HAS is available. %FIXME = {ca veut dire ???}
     39        HAS is available. \mustbecompleted{FIXME:: ca veut dire ???}
    4040    \itemV{18}{24}{x}{\Supmc}{CSG} \setMacroInAuxFile{csgAllArch}
    4141        This milestone extends CSG (\csgPrototypingOnly) to
    4747    \\
    4848    For the COACH architectural template, it consists of the devlopment of the VHDL
    49     synthesizable description of the missing components. %FIXME == {pas clair missing components}
     49    synthesizable description of the missing components. \mustbecompleted{FIXME :: pas clair missing components}
    5050    Notice that the SystemC models
    5151    comes from the SocLib ANR project, the processor with its cache comes from the TSAR
    9292    \begin{livrable}
    9393    \itemV{6}{8}{x}{\Supmc}{MUTEK OS}
    94         The drivers %FIXME = {???}
     94        The drivers \mustbecompleted{FIXME :: ???}
    9595        required for the first CSG milestone (delivrable \csgCoachArch).
    9696    \itemV{8}{18}{x}{\Supmc}{MUTEK 0S}
  • anr/task-3.tex

    r110 r112  
    1515as possible, identify communication channels, and output an \xcoach
    17 %FIXME == {Impossible d'utiliser les transformations de boucles pour amélierer la partie SW ??? }
     17\mustbecompleted {FIXME :: Impossible d'utiliser les transformations de boucles pour amélierer la partie SW ??? }
    6565      Description of the process network construction method for programs with
    6666      polyhedral loops. User manual.
    67       %FIXME == {User manual ou Specification. Si user manual alors le mettre en dissemination}
     67      \mustbecompleted{ FIXME :: User manual ou Specification. Si user manual alors le mettre en dissemination}
    6868    \itemL{30}{36}{d}{\Slip}{Process generation method}{0:0:0}
    6969      Final assessment of the method and improved version of the user manual.
    70       %FIXME == {User manual ou Specification. Si user manual alors le mettre en dissemination}
     70      \mustbecompleted {FIXME :: User manual ou Specification. Si user manual alors le mettre en dissemination}
    7171    \itemV{6}{12}{x}{\Slip}{Process construction}
    7272      Preliminary implementation in the Syntol framework.
  • anr/task-4.tex

    r111 r112  
    88The objectives of this task are to provide the two HAS back-ends of the COACH project and
    9 a tool that adapt the coprocessor frequency to the FPGA-SoC frequency as required %FIXME == {or defined}
     9a tool that adapt the coprocessor frequency to the FPGA-SoC frequency as required \mustbecompleted {FIXME :: or defined}
    1010by the processors and the system BUS.
    1111%pourquoi en majuscule?
    2525with a few control for GAUT and control dominated application with a few data processing
    2626for UGH. This will enlarge the domain the HLS can cover which is a strong limitation of the
    27 tools currently avilable. %FIXME == [ajouter ref LIVRE, D&T, CATRENE Roadmap]
     27tools currently avilable. \mustbecompleted {FIXME :: ajouter ref LIVRE, Design and Test, CATRENE Roadmap}
    9393    \itemL{24}{33}{x}{\Supmc}{frequency calibration}{2:.5:3.5}
    9494        The frequency calibration software consists of a driver in the FPGA-SoC operating
    95         system and of a control software on a PC. %FIXME == {Pas clair pour le HPC. Comprends pas}
     95        system and of a control software on a PC. \mustbecompleted {FIXME :: Pas clair pour le HPC. Comprends pas}
    9696    \end{livrable}
  • anr/task-5.tex

    r111 r112  
    1515    (figure~\ref{archi-hpc}).
    1616\item Providing communication schemes between the software part running on the PC and the
    17 FPGA-SoC. %FIXME = {Quelle difference avec l'item qui suit ???}
     17FPGA-SoC. \mustbecompleted{ FIXME :: Quelle difference avec l'item qui suit ???}
    1818\item Implementing the communication scheme at all levels: partition help, software
    1919implementation both on the PC and in the operating system of the FPGA-SoC, hardware.
    2525transfers. The reasons of this choices are that both ALTERA and Xilinx provide PCI/X IP for
    2626their FPGA and that GPU HPC softwares use also it.
    27 %FIXME == {ai supprime (mis en commentaire) la phrse qui suivait}
     27\mustbecompleted { FIXME :: ai supprime (mis en commentaire) la phrse qui suivait}
    2828%This will allow us at least to be inspired by GPU communication schemes and may be to reuse
    2929%parts of the GPU softwares.
    33 %FIXME == {Ne doit onpas fusionner les taches ST6-1, ST6-2, ST6-3 et pourquoi pas ST6-4 ???}
     33\mustbecompleted { FIXME :: Ne doit onpas fusionner les taches ST6-1, ST6-2, ST6-3 et pourquoi pas ST6-4 ???}
    3535\item This \ST is the definition of the communication schemes as a software API
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