Changeset 120 for anr

Feb 9, 2010, 2:12:33 PM (15 years ago)

FC : Mise à jour de la partie IRISA qui devient maintenant INRIA

IRISA est changé en INRIA/CAIRN
LIP est changé en INRIA/COMPSYS

6 edited


  • anr/anr.bib

    r93 r120  
    582582 address = {Washington, DC, USA},
     587 author = {Menard, Daniel and Casseau, Emmanuel and Khan, Shafqat and Sentieys, Olivier and Chevobbe, St\'{e}phane and Guyetant, St\'{e}phane and David, Raphael},
     588 title = {Reconfigurable Operator Based Multimedia Embedded Processor},
     589 booktitle = {ARC '09: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications},
     590 year = {2009},
     591 pages = {39--49},
     592 location = {Karlsruhe, Germany},
     593 publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
     594 address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
     595 }
  • anr/anr.tex

    r118 r120  
    48 \def\irisa{IRISA\xspace}          \def\Sirisa{\Sformat{IRI}\xspace}
     48\def\inria{INRIA\xspace}          \def\Sinria{\Sformat{INRIA}\xspace}
     49\def\irisa{INRIA/CAIRN\xspace}          \def\Sirisa{\Sformat{CAIRN}\xspace}
    4950%\def\citi{CITI\xspace}            \def\Sciti{\Sformat{CITI}\xspace}
    50 \def\lip{LIP\xspace}              \def\Slip{\Sformat{LIP}\xspace}
     51\def\lip{INRIA/COMPSYS\xspace}              \def\Slip{\Sformat{COMP}\xspace}
    5152\def\tima{TIMA\xspace}            \def\Stima{\Sformat{TIMA}\xspace}
    5253\def\ubs{LAB-STICC\xspace}        \def\Subs{\Sformat{UBS}\xspace}
  • anr/section-2.2.tex

    r102 r120  
    6868    this project enhances SoCLib by providing the synthesisable VHDL models required
    6969    for FPGA synthesis.
    70   \item[ROMA]
    71     The ROMA ANR project (2007-2009) involving IRISA, LIRMM, CEA List THOMSON France R\&D, proposes to develop a
    72     reconfigurable processor, exhibiting high silicon density and power efficiency, able to adapt its
    73     computing structure to computation patterns that can be speed-up and/or power efficient.
    74     The ROMA project study a pipeline-based of evolved low-power coarse grain reconfigurable
    75     operators to avoid traditional overhead, in reconfigurable devices, related to
    76     the interconnection network.
    77     The project will borrow from the ROMA ANR xxproject (2007-2009) and the ongoing
    78     joint INRIA-STMicro Nano2012 project to adapt existing pattern
    79     extraction algorithms and datapath merging techniques to the synthesis of customized
     70  \item[ROMA] The ROMA ANR project (, 2007-2010)
     71    involving IRISA (CAIRN team), LIRMM, CEA List THOMSON France R\&D,
     72    proposes to develop a reconfigurable processor, exhibiting high
     73    silicon density and power efficiency, able to adapt its computing
     74    structure to computation patterns that can be speed-up and/or
     75    power efficient.  The ROMA project study a pipeline-based of
     76    evolved low-power coarse grain reconfigurable operators to avoid
     77    traditional overhead, in reconfigurable devices, related to the
     78    interconnection network.  The project will borrow from the ROMA
     79    ANR project and the ongoing joint INRIA-STMicro
     80    Nano2012 project to adapt existing pattern extraction algorithms
     81    and datapath merging techniques to the synthesis of customized
    8082    ASIP processors.
    8183  \item[TSAR]
    108110  \item
    109111    Regarding Application Specific Instruction Processor (ASIP) design, the
    110     CAIRN group at INRIA Bretagne Atlantique benefits from several years of
     112    CAIRN group at INRIA Rennes -- Bretagne Atlantique benefits from several years of
    111113    expertise in the domain of retargetable compiler
    112114    (Armor/Calife~\cite{CODES99} since 1996, and the Gecos
  • anr/section-3.1.tex

    r114 r120  
    132132In this context, ASIP design based on Instruction Set Extensions (ISEs) has
    133 received a lot of interest~\cite{NIOS2,ST70}, as it makes micro architecture synthesis
     133received a lot of interest~\cite{NIOS2}, as it makes micro architecture synthesis
    134134more tractable \footnote{ISEs rely on a template micro-architecture in which
    135135only a small fraction of the architecture has to be specialized}, and help ASIP
  • anr/section-6.1.tex

    r119 r120  
    2 \subsubsection{\irisa}
    4 The CAIRN group is an INRIA - Bretagne Atlantique project and a part of IRISA, UMR
    5 6074. CAIRN members are affiliated to University of Rennes\~1 or Ecole Normale
    6 Supérieure de Cachan. The goal of CAIRN is to study reconfigurable system-on-chip,
    7 i.e. hardware systems whose configuration may change before or even during execution.
    8 To this end, CAIRN intends to approach reconfigurable architectures from three
    9 directions: % angles:
    10 the invention of new reconfigurable platforms, the development of associated
    11 transformation, compilation and synthesis tools, and the exploration of the interaction
    12 between algorithms and architectures.
    14 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    15 \subsubsection{\lip}
    16 The Compsys group of Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure de Lyon is a project-team
     4Inria, the French national institute for research in computer science
     5and control, operating under the dual authority of the Ministry of
     6Research and the Ministry of Industry, is dedicated to fundamental and
     7applied research in information and communication science and
     8technology (ICST). The Institute also plays a major role in technology
     9transfer by fostering training through research, diffusion of
     10scientific and technical information, development, as well as
     11providing expert advice and participating in international programs.
     13By playing a leading role in the scientific community in the field and
     14being in close contact with industry, INRIA is a major participant in
     15the development of ICST in France. Throughout its eight research
     16centres in Rocquencourt, Rennes, Sophia Antipolis, Grenoble, Nancy,
     17Bordeaux, Lille and Saclay, INRIA has a workforce of 3 800, 2 800 of
     18whom are scientists from INRIA and INRIA's partner organizations such
     19as CNRS (the French National Center for Scientific Research),
     20universities and leading engineering schools. They work in 168 joint
     21research project-teams. Many INRIA researchers are also professors and
     22approximately 1 000 doctoral students work on theses as part of INRIA
     23research project-teams.
     25INRIA develops many partnerships with industry and fosters technology
     26transfer and company foundation in the field of ICST - some ninety
     27companies have been founded with the support of INRIA-Transfert, a
     28subsidiary of INRIA, specialized in guiding, evaluating, qualifying,
     29and financing innovative high-tech IT start-up companies. INRIA is
     30involved in standardization committees such as the IETF, ISO and the
     31W3C of which INRIA was the European host from 1995 to 2002.
     33INRIA maintains important international relations and exchanges. In
     34Europe, INRIA is a member of ERCIM which brings together research
     35institutes from 19 European countries. INRIA is a partner in about 120
     36FP6 actions and 40 FP7 actions, mainly in the ICST field. INRIA also
     37collaborates with numerous scientific and academic institutions abroad
     38(joint laboratories such as LIAMA, associated research teams, training
     39and internship programs).\\
     41Two \inria project-teams participate to this project.
     43\item CAIRN. The CAIRN group of INRIA Rennes -- Bretagne Atlantique study
     44reconfigurable system-on-chip, i.e. hardware systems whose
     45configuration may change before or even during execution. To this end,
     46CAIRN has 13 permanent researchers and a variable number of PhD students, post-docs and engineers.
     47CAIRN intends to approach reconfigurable architectures from three
     48angles: the invention of new reconfigurable platforms, the development
     49of associated transformation, compilation and synthesis tools, and the
     50exploration of the interaction between algorithms and architectures.
     51CAIRN is a joint team with CNRS, INSA of Rennes, University of Rennes 1 and ENS Cachan.
     53\item COMPSYS. The Compsys group of Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure de Lyon is a project-team
    1754of INRIA Rh\^one-Alpes and a part of Laboratoire de l'Informatique du
    1855Parall\'elisme (LIP), UMR 5668 of CNRS. It has four permanent researchers
    2259several well known libraries for linear programming, polyhedra manipulation
    2360and optimization in general. It has strong industrial cooperations, notably
    24 with ST Microelectonics and Thales.
     61with ST Microelectronics and Thales.
  • anr/section-7.tex

    r119 r120  
    4 \subsection{Partner 1: \irisa}
    5 \ressourcehelp
    7 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    8 \subsection{Partner 2: \lip}
     4\subsection{Partner 1: \inria}
    48 \subsection{Partner 3: \tima}
     51\subsection{Partner 2: \tima}
    89 \subsection{Partner 4: \ubs}
     92\subsection{Partner 3: \ubs}
    124 \subsection{Partner 5: \upmc}
     127\subsection{Partner 4: \upmc}
    158 \subsection{Partner 6: \xilinx}
     161\subsection{Partner 5: \xilinx}
    183 \subsection{Partner 7: \bull}
     186\subsection{Partner 6: \bull}
    204 \subsection{Partner 8: \thales}
    205 \ressourcehelp
    207 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    208 \subsection{Partner 9: \zied}
    209 \ressourcehelp
    211 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    212 \subsection{Partner 10: \navtel}
    213 \ressourcehelp
     207\subsection{Partner 7: \thales}
     211\subsection{Partner 8: \zied}
     215\subsection{Partner 9: \navtel}
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