Changeset 93 for anr

Feb 4, 2010, 7:14:55 PM (15 years ago)

Fixed anr.bib with most missing references

4 edited


  • anr/anr.bib

    r87 r93  
    76   author =       {{Ivan Aug\'{e}, Fr\'{e}d\'{e}ric P\'{e}trot, François Donnet and Pascal Gomez}},
     76  author =       {{Ivan Aug\'{e}, Fr\'{e}d\'{e}ric P\'{e}trot, Franï¿œois Donnet and Pascal Gomez}},
    7777  title =        {{Platform-based design from parallel C specifications}},
    7878  booktitle = {IEEE Transaction on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems},
    496496  publisher = {ACM}
     501%%%%%%%%%%%%% ASIP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
     504 author = {Kluter, Theo and Brisk, Philip and Ienne, Paolo and Charbon, Edoardo},
     505 title = {Way Stealing: cache-assisted automatic instruction set extensions},
     506 booktitle = {DAC '09: Proceedings of the 46th Annual Design Automation Conference},
     507 year = {2009},
     508 isbn = {978-1-60558-497-3},
     509 pages = {31--36},
     510 location = {San Francisco, California},
     511 doi = {},
     512 publisher = {ACM},
     513 address = {New York, NY, USA},
     514 }
     517 author = {Kluter, Theo and Brisk, Philip and Ienne, Paolo and Charbon, Edoardo},
     518 title = {Speculative DMA for architecturally visible storage in instruction set extensions},
     519 booktitle = {CODES/ISSS '08: Proceedings of the 6th IEEE/ACM/IFIP international conference on Hardware/Software codesign and system synthesis},
     520 year = {2008},
     521 isbn = {978-1-60558-470-6},
     522 pages = {243--248},
     523 location = {Atlanta, GA, USA},
     524 doi = {},
     525 publisher = {ACM},
     526 address = {New York, NY, USA},
     527 }
     530        author = {Cong, Jason and Han, Guoling and Zhang, Zhiru},
     531 title = {Architecture and compiler optimizations for data bandwidth improvement in configurable processors},
     532 journal = {IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst.},
     533 volume = {14},
     534 number = {9},
     535 year = {2006},
     536 issn = {1063-8210},
     537 pages = {986--997},
     538 doi = {},
     539 publisher = {IEEE Educational Activities Department},
     540 address = {Piscataway, NJ, USA},
     545  title =        {{Nios II Processor Reference Handbook}},
     546  publisher =    {Altera},
     547  year =         {2009},
     552 author = {Galuzzi, Carlo and Bertels, Koen},
     553 title = {The Instruction-Set Extension Problem: A Survey},
     554 booktitle = {ARC '08: Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Reconfigurable Computing},
     555 year = {2008},
     556 isbn = {978-3-540-78609-2},
     557 pages = {209--220},
     558 location = {London, UK},
     559 doi = {},
     560 publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
     561 address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
     562 }
     565 author = {Charot, Fran\c{c}ois and Mess\'{e}, Vincent},
     566 title = {{A flexible code generation framework for the design of application specific programmable processors}},
     567 booktitle = {CODES '99: Proceedings of the seventh international workshop on Hardware/software codesign},
     568 year = {1999},
     569 pages = {27--31},
     570 location = {Rome, Italy},
     571 publisher = {ACM},
     572 address = {New York, NY, USA},
     573 }
     576 author = {L'Hours, Ludovic},
     577 title = {{Generating Efficient Custom FPGA Soft-Cores for Control-Dominated Applications}},
     578 booktitle = {ASAP '05: Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architecture Processors},
     579 year = {2005},
     580 pages = {127--133},
     581 publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
     582 address = {Washington, DC, USA},
  • anr/section-2.2.tex

    r87 r93  
    6060CAIRN group at INRIA Bretagne Atlantique benefits from several years of
    6161expertise in the domain of retargetable compiler
    62 (Armor/Calife\cite{FIXME:IRISA} since 1996, and the Gecos
    63 compilers\cite{FIXME:IRISA} since 2002).
     62(Armor/Calife\cite{CODES99} since 1996, and the Gecos
     63compilers\cite{ASAP05} since 2002).
    6565Compsys was founded in 2002 by several senior researchers with experience in
  • anr/section-3.1.tex

    r66 r93  
    119119difficult task, since it involves designing both a micro-architecture and a
    120120compiler for this architecture. Besides, to our knowledge, there is still
    121 no available open-source design flow\footnote{There are commercial tools
    122 such a } for ASIP design even if such a tool would be valuable in the
     121no available open-source design flow for ASIP design even if such a tool
     122 would be valuable in the
    123123context of a System Level design exploration tool.
    128128only a small fraction of the architecture has to be specialized}, and help ASIP
    129129designers to focus on compilers, for which there are still many open
    130 problems\cite{CODES04,FPGA08}.
    131131This approach however has a strong weakness, since it also significantly reduces
    132132opportunities for achieving good seedups (most speedup remain between 1.5x and
    138138%performing efficient instruction selection and/or storage resource (register)
    139139%allocation \cite{FPGA08}). 
    140 To cope with this issue, recent approaches~\cite{DAC09,DAC08} advocate the use of
     140To cope with this issue, recent approaches~\cite{DAC09,CODES08,TVLSI06} advocate the use of
    141141micro-architectural ISE models in which the coupling between the processor micro-architecture
    142142and the ISE component is thightened up so as to allow the ISE to overcome the register
    143 I/O limitations, however these approaches tackle the problem for a compiler/simulation
     143I/O limitations, however these approaches generally tackle the problem for a compiler/simulation
    144144point of view and not address the problem of generating synthesizable representations for
    145145these models.
  • anr/task-3.tex

    r87 r93  
    3939 of the architecture, along with its architectural extensions
    4040    \begin{livrable}
    41       \itemV{0}{12}{d}{\Sirisa}{SystemC Model for an simple extensible MIPS architectural template}
    42       \itemV{0}{18}{d}{\Sirisa}{VHDL Model for an simple extensible MIPS architectural template}
    43                 %\mustbecompleted{FIXME .....}
     41      \itemV{0}{12}{d}{\Sirisa}{SystemC Model for an simple MIPS }
     42      { A SystemC simulation model for an simple extensible MIPS architectural template }
     43      \itemV{0}{18}{d}{\Sirisa}{VHDL Model for an simple MIPS}
     44      {A synthesizable VHDL model for an simple extensible MIPS architectural template}
    4445      \itemL{0}{12}{d}{\Sirisa}{SystemC Model for an extensible NIOS processor template, the VHDL model being already available from Altera}{0:0:0}
    46       \itemV{0}{24}{d}{\Sirisa}{SystemC Model for a extensible MIPS with tight
    47       architectural integration of its instruction set extensions}
    48       \itemV{0}{24}{d}{\Sirisa}{VHDL Model for a extensible MIPS with tight
    49       architectural integration of its instruction set extensions}
     46          { A SystemC simulation model for an extensible NIOS processor template, the VHDL model being
     47          already available from Altera}{0:0:0}
     48      \itemV{0}{24}{d}{\Sirisa}{SystemC Model for a complex-MIPS}
     49      {A SystemC simulation model for a extensible MIPS with a tight architectural integration of
     50      its instruction set extensions}
     51      \itemV{0}{24}{d}{\Sirisa}{VHDL Model for a complex-MIPS}
     52      {A synthesizable VHDL model for a extensible MIPS with a tight architectural integration of
     53      its instruction set extensions}
    5054      \itemL{0}{36}{d}{\Sirisa}{Evaluation report }{0:0:0}
     55      {A evaluation report with quantitative analysis of the performance/area trade-off induced by
     56      the different approaches}
    5257    \end{livrable}
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