Apr 9, 2014, 11:19:58 PM (10 years ago)
12 edited


  • PROJECT_CORE_MPI/MPI_HCL/TRUNK/Test_Timer/ipcore_dir/_xmsgs/cg.xmsgs

    r115 r137  
    66     users do not edit the contents of this file. -->
    8 <msg type="info" file="sim" num="0" delta="new" >Generating component instance &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">mem_4k8</arg>&apos; of &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">xilinx.com:ip:blk_mem_gen:6.2</arg>&apos; from &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">C:\Xilinx\13.3\ISE_DS\ISE\coregen\ip\xilinx\primary\com\xilinx\ip\blk_mem_gen_v6_2\component.xml</arg>&apos;.
     8<msg type="info" file="sim" num="0" delta="new" >Generating component instance &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">mem8k8</arg>&apos; of &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">xilinx.com:ip:blk_mem_gen:6.2</arg>&apos; from &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">C:\Xilinx\13.3\ISE_DS\ISE\coregen\ip\xilinx\primary\com\xilinx\ip\blk_mem_gen_v6_2\component.xml</arg>&apos;.
     11<msg type="warning" file="sim" num="0" delta="new" ><arg fmt="%s" index="1">A core named &apos;mem8k8&apos; already exists in the project. Output products for this core may be overwritten.</arg>
     14<msg type="info" file="sim" num="0" delta="new" ><arg fmt="%s" index="1">Pre-processing HDL files for &apos;mem8k8&apos;...</arg>
     17<msg type="info" file="sim" num="0" delta="new" >Finished generation of ASY schematic symbol.
     20<msg type="info" file="sim" num="0" delta="new" >Finished FLIST file generation.
  • PROJECT_CORE_MPI/MPI_HCL/TRUNK/Test_Timer/ipcore_dir/_xmsgs/pn_parser.xmsgs

    r115 r137  
    11 <msg type="info" file="ProjectMgmt" num="1061" ><arg fmt="%s" index="1">Parsing VHDL file &quot;D:/MPI_HCL/Test_Timer/ipcore_dir/mem_4k8.vhd&quot; into library work</arg>
     11<msg type="info" file="ProjectMgmt" num="1061" ><arg fmt="%s" index="1">Parsing VHDL file &quot;D:/MPI_HCL/Test_Timer/ipcore_dir/mem8k8.vhd&quot; into library work</arg>
  • PROJECT_CORE_MPI/MPI_HCL/TRUNK/Test_Timer/ipcore_dir/mem8k8.vhd

    r115 r137  
    8585      c_disable_warn_bhv_coll => 0,
    8686      c_disable_warn_bhv_range => 0,
    87       c_family => "spartan6",
     87      c_family => "artix7",
    8888      c_has_axi_id => 0,
    8989      c_has_ena => 1,
    131131      c_write_width_a => 8,
    132132      c_write_width_b => 8,
    133       c_xdevicefamily => "spartan6"
     133      c_xdevicefamily => "artix7"
    134134    );
    135135-- synthesis translate_on
  • PROJECT_CORE_MPI/MPI_HCL/TRUNK/Test_Timer/ipcore_dir/mem8k8.xco

    r115 r137  
    33# Xilinx Core Generator version 13.3
    4 # Date: Mon Mar 03 16:26:23 2014
     4# Date: Wed Apr 09 13:43:42 2014
    2323SET createndf = false
    2424SET designentry = VHDL
    25 SET device = xc6slx45
    26 SET devicefamily = spartan6
     25SET device = xc7a100t
     26SET devicefamily = artix7
    2727SET flowvendor = Other
    2828SET formalverification = false
    103103# END Extra information
    105 # CRC: c197a96c
     105# CRC:  7a5cdcc
  • PROJECT_CORE_MPI/MPI_HCL/TRUNK/Test_Timer/ipcore_dir/mem8k8.xise

    r115 r137  
    3131  <properties>
    3232    <property xil_pn:name="Auto Implementation Top" xil_pn:value="false" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
    33     <property xil_pn:name="Device" xil_pn:value="xc6slx45" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
    34     <property xil_pn:name="Device Family" xil_pn:value="Spartan6" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
     33    <property xil_pn:name="Device" xil_pn:value="xc7a100t" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
     34    <property xil_pn:name="Device Family" xil_pn:value="Artix7" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
    3535    <property xil_pn:name="Implementation Stop View" xil_pn:value="PreSynthesis" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
    3636    <property xil_pn:name="Implementation Top" xil_pn:value="Architecture|mem8k8|mem8k8_a" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
    3737    <property xil_pn:name="Implementation Top File" xil_pn:value="mem8k8.vhd" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
    3838    <property xil_pn:name="Implementation Top Instance Path" xil_pn:value="/mem8k8" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
    39     <property xil_pn:name="Package" xil_pn:value="csg324" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
     39    <property xil_pn:name="Package" xil_pn:value="csg324" xil_pn:valueState="default"/>
    4040    <property xil_pn:name="Preferred Language" xil_pn:value="Verilog" xil_pn:valueState="default"/>
    4141    <property xil_pn:name="Project Generator" xil_pn:value="CoreGen" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
    5050    <!--                                                                                  -->
    5151    <property xil_pn:name="PROP_DesignName" xil_pn:value="mem8k8" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
    52     <property xil_pn:name="PROP_DevFamilyPMName" xil_pn:value="spartan6" xil_pn:valueState="default"/>
    53     <property xil_pn:name="PROP_intProjectCreationTimestamp" xil_pn:value="2014-03-03T17:27:19" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
    54     <property xil_pn:name="PROP_intWbtProjectID" xil_pn:value="3A940284CDED41488E19E27EE9472069" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
     52    <property xil_pn:name="PROP_DevFamilyPMName" xil_pn:value="artix7" xil_pn:valueState="default"/>
     53    <property xil_pn:name="PROP_intProjectCreationTimestamp" xil_pn:value="2014-04-09T15:44:54" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
     54    <property xil_pn:name="PROP_intWbtProjectID" xil_pn:value="0A14F46BA6CA40C6870EDAC9BBAA198D" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
    5555    <property xil_pn:name="PROP_intWorkingDirLocWRTProjDir" xil_pn:value="Same" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
    5656    <property xil_pn:name="PROP_intWorkingDirUsed" xil_pn:value="No" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
  • PROJECT_CORE_MPI/MPI_HCL/TRUNK/Test_Timer/ipcore_dir/mem8k8_ste/example_design/bmg_wrapper.vhd

    r115 r137  
    6868-- (Refer to the SIM Parameters table in the datasheet for more information on
    6969-- the these parameters.)
    70 --    C_FAMILY                    :  spartan6
    71 --    C_XDEVICEFAMILY             :  spartan6
     70--    C_FAMILY                    :  artix7
     71--    C_XDEVICEFAMILY             :  artix7
    7272--    C_INTERFACE_TYPE            :  0
    7373--    C_AXI_TYPE                  :  1
  • PROJECT_CORE_MPI/MPI_HCL/TRUNK/Test_Timer/ipcore_dir/mem8k8_ste/implement/implement.bat

    r115 r137  
    2525echo 'Running ngdbuild'
    26 ngdbuild -p xc6slx45-csg324-3 mem8k8_top
     26ngdbuild -p xc7a100t-csg324-3 mem8k8_top
    2828echo 'Running map'
  • PROJECT_CORE_MPI/MPI_HCL/TRUNK/Test_Timer/ipcore_dir/mem8k8_ste/implement/implement.sh

    r115 r137  
    2424echo 'Running ngdbuild'
    25 ngdbuild -p xc6slx45-csg324-3 mem8k8_top
     25ngdbuild -p xc7a100t-csg324-3 mem8k8_top
    2727echo 'Running map'
  • PROJECT_CORE_MPI/MPI_HCL/TRUNK/Test_Timer/ipcore_dir/mem8k8_ste/implement/planAhead_rdn.tcl

    r115 r137  
    48 set device xc6slx45csg324-3
     48set device xc7a100tcsg324-3
    4949set projName mem8k8
    5050set design mem8k8
  • PROJECT_CORE_MPI/MPI_HCL/TRUNK/Test_Timer/ipcore_dir/mem8k8_ste/implement/xst.scr

    r115 r137  
    22-ifmt VHDL
    33-ent mem8k8_top
    4 -p xc6slx45-csg324-3
     4-p xc7a100t-csg324-3
    55-ifn xst.prj
    66-write_timing_constraints No
  • PROJECT_CORE_MPI/MPI_HCL/TRUNK/Test_Timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_xmsgs/pn_parser.xmsgs

    r115 r137  
    11 <msg type="info" file="ProjectMgmt" num="1061" ><arg fmt="%s" index="1">Parsing VHDL file &quot;D:/MPI_HCL/Test_Timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/blk_mem_gen_v6_2.vhd&quot; into library work</arg>
     11<msg type="info" file="ProjectMgmt" num="1061" ><arg fmt="%s" index="1">Parsing VHDL file &quot;D:/MPI_HCL/Test_Timer/ipcore_dir/mem8k8.vhd&quot; into library work</arg>
  • PROJECT_CORE_MPI/MPI_HCL/TRUNK/Test_Timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_xmsgs/xst.xmsgs

    r115 r137  
    11 <msg type="info" file="ip" num="0" delta="new" ><arg fmt="%d" index="1">0</arg>: (<arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg>,<arg fmt="%d" index="3">0</arg>)      : <arg fmt="%d" index="4">2</arg>x<arg fmt="%d" index="5">8192</arg>    u:<arg fmt="%d" index="6">2</arg>
    12 </msg>
    14 <msg type="info" file="ip" num="0" delta="new" ><arg fmt="%d" index="1">1</arg>: (<arg fmt="%d" index="2">2</arg>,<arg fmt="%d" index="3">0</arg>)      : <arg fmt="%d" index="4">2</arg>x<arg fmt="%d" index="5">8192</arg>    u:<arg fmt="%d" index="6">2</arg>
    15 </msg>
    17 <msg type="info" file="ip" num="0" delta="new" ><arg fmt="%d" index="1">2</arg>: (<arg fmt="%d" index="2">4</arg>,<arg fmt="%d" index="3">0</arg>)      : <arg fmt="%d" index="4">2</arg>x<arg fmt="%d" index="5">8192</arg>    u:<arg fmt="%d" index="6">2</arg>
    18 </msg>
    20 <msg type="info" file="ip" num="0" delta="new" ><arg fmt="%d" index="1">3</arg>: (<arg fmt="%d" index="2">6</arg>,<arg fmt="%d" index="3">0</arg>)      : <arg fmt="%d" index="4">2</arg>x<arg fmt="%d" index="5">8192</arg>    u:<arg fmt="%d" index="6">2</arg>
    21 </msg>
    23 <msg type="info" file="ip" num="0" delta="new" ><arg fmt="%d" index="1">0</arg>: (<arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg>,<arg fmt="%d" index="3">0</arg>)      : <arg fmt="%d" index="4">2</arg>x<arg fmt="%d" index="5">8192</arg>    u:<arg fmt="%d" index="6">2</arg>
    24 </msg>
    26 <msg type="info" file="ip" num="0" delta="new" ><arg fmt="%d" index="1">1</arg>: (<arg fmt="%d" index="2">2</arg>,<arg fmt="%d" index="3">0</arg>)      : <arg fmt="%d" index="4">2</arg>x<arg fmt="%d" index="5">8192</arg>    u:<arg fmt="%d" index="6">2</arg>
    27 </msg>
    29 <msg type="info" file="ip" num="0" delta="new" ><arg fmt="%d" index="1">2</arg>: (<arg fmt="%d" index="2">4</arg>,<arg fmt="%d" index="3">0</arg>)      : <arg fmt="%d" index="4">2</arg>x<arg fmt="%d" index="5">8192</arg>    u:<arg fmt="%d" index="6">2</arg>
    30 </msg>
    32 <msg type="info" file="ip" num="0" delta="new" ><arg fmt="%d" index="1">3</arg>: (<arg fmt="%d" index="2">6</arg>,<arg fmt="%d" index="3">0</arg>)      : <arg fmt="%d" index="4">2</arg>x<arg fmt="%d" index="5">8192</arg>    u:<arg fmt="%d" index="6">2</arg>
    33 </msg>
    35 <msg type="warning" file="HDLCompiler" num="321" delta="old" >"D:\MPI_HCL\Test_Timer\ipcore_dir\tmp\_cg\_dbg\blk_mem_gen_v6_2\blk_mem_input_block.vhd" Line 691: Comparison between arrays of unequal length always returns <arg fmt="%s" index="1">FALSE</arg>.
    36 </msg>
    38 <msg type="warning" file="HDLCompiler" num="321" delta="old" >"D:\MPI_HCL\Test_Timer\ipcore_dir\tmp\_cg\_dbg\blk_mem_gen_v6_2\blk_mem_input_block.vhd" Line 707: Comparison between arrays of unequal length always returns <arg fmt="%s" index="1">FALSE</arg>.
     11<msg type="info" file="ip" num="0" delta="new" ><arg fmt="%d" index="1">0</arg>: (<arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg>,<arg fmt="%d" index="3">0</arg>)      : <arg fmt="%d" index="4">4</arg>x<arg fmt="%d" index="5">8192</arg>    u:<arg fmt="%d" index="6">4</arg>
     14<msg type="info" file="ip" num="0" delta="new" ><arg fmt="%d" index="1">1</arg>: (<arg fmt="%d" index="2">4</arg>,<arg fmt="%d" index="3">0</arg>)      : <arg fmt="%d" index="4">4</arg>x<arg fmt="%d" index="5">8192</arg>    u:<arg fmt="%d" index="6">4</arg>
     17<msg type="info" file="ip" num="0" delta="new" ><arg fmt="%d" index="1">0</arg>: (<arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg>,<arg fmt="%d" index="3">0</arg>)      : <arg fmt="%d" index="4">4</arg>x<arg fmt="%d" index="5">8192</arg>    u:<arg fmt="%d" index="6">4</arg>
     20<msg type="info" file="ip" num="0" delta="new" ><arg fmt="%d" index="1">1</arg>: (<arg fmt="%d" index="2">4</arg>,<arg fmt="%d" index="3">0</arg>)      : <arg fmt="%d" index="4">4</arg>x<arg fmt="%d" index="5">8192</arg>    u:<arg fmt="%d" index="6">4</arg>
    53 <msg type="warning" file="HDLCompiler" num="634" delta="new" >"D:\MPI_HCL\Test_Timer\ipcore_dir\tmp\_cg\_dbg\blk_mem_gen_v6_2\blk_mem_gen_prim_wrapper_s6.vhd" Line 490: Net &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">douta_i[1]</arg>&gt; does not have a driver.
    54 </msg>
    56 <msg type="warning" file="HDLCompiler" num="321" delta="old" >"D:\MPI_HCL\Test_Timer\ipcore_dir\tmp\_cg\_dbg\blk_mem_gen_v6_2\blk_mem_gen_generic_cstr.vhd" Line 1544: Comparison between arrays of unequal length always returns <arg fmt="%s" index="1">FALSE</arg>.
    57 </msg>
    59 <msg type="warning" file="HDLCompiler" num="321" delta="old" >"D:\MPI_HCL\Test_Timer\ipcore_dir\tmp\_cg\_dbg\blk_mem_gen_v6_2\blk_mem_gen_generic_cstr.vhd" Line 1557: Comparison between arrays of unequal length always returns <arg fmt="%s" index="1">FALSE</arg>.
    60 </msg>
    62 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">douta</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    63 </msg>
    65 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">rdaddrecc</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    66 </msg>
    68 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_bid</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    69 </msg>
    71 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_bresp</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    72 </msg>
    74 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_rid</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    75 </msg>
    77 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_rdata</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    78 </msg>
    80 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_rresp</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    81 </msg>
    83 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_rdaddrecc</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    84 </msg>
    86 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">sbiterr</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    87 </msg>
    89 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">dbiterr</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    90 </msg>
    92 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_awready</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    93 </msg>
    95 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_wready</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    96 </msg>
    98 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_bvalid</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    99 </msg>
    101 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_arready</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    102 </msg>
    104 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_rlast</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    105 </msg>
    107 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_rvalid</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    108 </msg>
    110 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_sbiterr</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    111 </msg>
    113 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_dbiterr</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
     35<msg type="warning" file="HDLCompiler" num="634" delta="new" >"D:\MPI_HCL\Test_Timer\ipcore_dir\tmp\_cg\_dbg\blk_mem_gen_v6_2\blk_mem_gen_prim_wrapper_v6.vhd" Line 510: Net &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">douta_i[3]</arg>&gt; does not have a driver.
     38<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">douta</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
     41<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">rdaddrecc</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
     44<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_bid</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
     47<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_bresp</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
     50<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_rid</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
     53<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_rdata</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
     56<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_rresp</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
     59<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_rdaddrecc</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
     62<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">sbiterr</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
     65<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">dbiterr</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
     68<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_awready</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
     71<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_wready</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
     74<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_bvalid</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
     77<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_arready</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
     80<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_rlast</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
     83<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_rvalid</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
     86<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_sbiterr</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
     89<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/mem8k8.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">160</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">s_axi_dbiterr</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">U0</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    254 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="new" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">REGCEA&lt;0:0&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
    255 </msg>
    257 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="new" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">REGCEB&lt;0:0&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
     230<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">REGCEA&lt;0:0&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
     233<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">REGCEB&lt;0:0&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
    278 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/blk_mem_gen_v6_2/blk_mem_gen_generic_cstr.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">1341</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SBITERR</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">ramloop[2].ram.r</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    279 </msg>
    281 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/blk_mem_gen_v6_2/blk_mem_gen_generic_cstr.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">1341</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">DBITERR</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">ramloop[2].ram.r</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    282 </msg>
    284 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/blk_mem_gen_v6_2/blk_mem_gen_generic_cstr.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">1341</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SBITERR</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">ramloop[3].ram.r</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    285 </msg>
    287 <msg type="info" file="Xst" num="3210" delta="old" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">d:/mpi_hcl/test_timer/ipcore_dir/tmp/_cg/_dbg/blk_mem_gen_v6_2/blk_mem_gen_generic_cstr.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%s" index="2">1341</arg>: Output port &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">DBITERR</arg>&gt; of the instance &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">ramloop[3].ram.r</arg>&gt; is unconnected or connected to loadless signal.
    288 </msg>
    290254<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="653" delta="old" >Signal &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">RDADDRECC</arg>&gt; is used but never assigned. This sourceless signal will be automatically connected to value <arg fmt="%s" index="2">GND</arg>.
     263<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">WEB&lt;0:0&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
     266<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="new" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DINB&lt;3:0&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
     269<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="new" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">SSRA</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
     272<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">REGCEA</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
     275<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="new" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">SSRB</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
    299278<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">INJECTSBITERR</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
     284<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2935" delta="new" >Signal &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">douta_i</arg>&apos;, unconnected in block &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">blk_mem_gen_prim_wrapper_v6_1</arg>&apos;, is tied to its initial value (<arg fmt="%s" index="3">0000</arg>).
    305287<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="653" delta="old" >Signal &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">SBITERR</arg>&gt; is used but never assigned. This sourceless signal will be automatically connected to value <arg fmt="%s" index="2">GND</arg>.
    314 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="new" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DINB&lt;1:0&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
    315 </msg>
    317 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2935" delta="new" >Signal &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">douta_i</arg>&apos;, unconnected in block &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">blk_mem_gen_prim_wrapper_s6_1</arg>&apos;, is tied to its initial value (<arg fmt="%s" index="3">00</arg>).
     296<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="new" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DINB&lt;3:0&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
     299<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="new" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">SSRA</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
     302<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">REGCEA</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
     305<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="new" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">SSRB</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
     314<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2935" delta="new" >Signal &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">douta_i</arg>&apos;, unconnected in block &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">blk_mem_gen_prim_wrapper_v6_2</arg>&apos;, is tied to its initial value (<arg fmt="%s" index="3">0000</arg>).
    326317<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="653" delta="old" >Signal &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">SBITERR</arg>&gt; is used but never assigned. This sourceless signal will be automatically connected to value <arg fmt="%s" index="2">GND</arg>.
    332 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">WEB&lt;0:0&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
    333 </msg>
    335 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="new" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DINB&lt;1:0&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
    336 </msg>
    338 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2935" delta="new" >Signal &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">douta_i</arg>&apos;, unconnected in block &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">blk_mem_gen_prim_wrapper_s6_2</arg>&apos;, is tied to its initial value (<arg fmt="%s" index="3">00</arg>).
    339 </msg>
    341 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">INJECTSBITERR</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
    342 </msg>
    344 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">INJECTDBITERR</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
     323<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DOUTA_I&lt;7:0&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
     326<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">RDADDRECC_I&lt;12:0&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
     329<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">CLKB</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
     332<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">SBITERR_I</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
     335<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DBITERR_I</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
     338<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="653" delta="old" >Signal &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">RDADDRECC</arg>&gt; is used but never assigned. This sourceless signal will be automatically connected to value <arg fmt="%s" index="2">GND</arg>.
    353 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">WEB&lt;0:0&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
    354 </msg>
    356 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="new" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DINB&lt;1:0&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
    357 </msg>
    359 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2935" delta="new" >Signal &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">douta_i</arg>&apos;, unconnected in block &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">blk_mem_gen_prim_wrapper_s6_3</arg>&apos;, is tied to its initial value (<arg fmt="%s" index="3">00</arg>).
    360 </msg>
    362 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">INJECTSBITERR</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
    363 </msg>
    365 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">INJECTDBITERR</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
    366 </msg>
    368 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="653" delta="old" >Signal &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">SBITERR</arg>&gt; is used but never assigned. This sourceless signal will be automatically connected to value <arg fmt="%s" index="2">GND</arg>.
    369 </msg>
    371 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="653" delta="old" >Signal &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DBITERR</arg>&gt; is used but never assigned. This sourceless signal will be automatically connected to value <arg fmt="%s" index="2">GND</arg>.
    372 </msg>
    374 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">WEB&lt;0:0&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
    375 </msg>
    377 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="new" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DINB&lt;1:0&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
    378 </msg>
    380 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2935" delta="new" >Signal &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">douta_i</arg>&apos;, unconnected in block &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">blk_mem_gen_prim_wrapper_s6_4</arg>&apos;, is tied to its initial value (<arg fmt="%s" index="3">00</arg>).
    381 </msg>
    383 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DOUTA_I&lt;7:0&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
    384 </msg>
    386 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">RDADDRECC_I&lt;12:0&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
    387 </msg>
    389 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">CLKB</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
    390 </msg>
    392 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">SBITERR_I</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
    393 </msg>
    395 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DBITERR_I</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
    396 </msg>
    398 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="653" delta="old" >Signal &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">RDADDRECC</arg>&gt; is used but never assigned. This sourceless signal will be automatically connected to value <arg fmt="%s" index="2">GND</arg>.
    399 </msg>
    401 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="653" delta="old" >Signal &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">SBITERR</arg>&gt; is used but never assigned. This sourceless signal will be automatically connected to value <arg fmt="%s" index="2">GND</arg>.
    402 </msg>
    404 <msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="653" delta="old" >Signal &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DBITERR</arg>&gt; is used but never assigned. This sourceless signal will be automatically connected to value <arg fmt="%s" index="2">GND</arg>.
    405 </msg>
    407347<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2169" delta="old" >HDL ADVISOR - Some clock signals were not automatically buffered by XST with BUFG/BUFR resources. Please use the buffer_type constraint in order to insert these buffers to the clock signals to help prevent skew problems.
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.