12 years |
devigne |
Revert commit r481
12 years |
joannou |
Updated llsc memcache table interface for sw operation (now able to …
12 years |
devigne |
Fixing deadlock with MULTI_ACK FSM and TGT_RSP FSM, and CLEANUP_FSM …
12 years |
alain |
12 years |
devigne |
Merge with the lastest version of Trunk
Modification in vci_mem_cache …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modification in dspin_dhccp_param:
- Aligning to left the fields in …
12 years |
lgarcia |
Reintroducing RWT branch merging the last modifications of the
trunk …
12 years |
lgarcia |
Erasing RWT branch to start a newly created branch with
the last …
12 years |
lambert |
Introducing Vci_Chbuf_Dma in tsar_generic_xbar platform :
* The …
12 years |
devigne |
Introducing NON INCLUSIVITY property in the vci_mem_cache (ODCCP)
12 years |
alain |
12 years |
alain |
Fixing the IRQs wiring to support the "4c_1p_iob" mapping.
12 years |
alain |
Fixing a bug in the alloc/desalloc function.
12 years |
cfuguet |
Erasing v5 development branch components as they have been
merged into …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Reverting changes in tsar_generic_xbar/Makefile
12 years |
cfuguet |
/ …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifications in branches/v5 tsar_generic_xbar:
- Adding …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifications in branches/v5 vci_mem_cache:
- Replacing the third …
12 years |
joannou |
Updated tsar_generic_xbar platform to use the new generic …
12 years |
lambert |
Improving platform for ALMOS support:
* Introducing USE_GIET …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modification in vci_cc_vcache_wrapper:
- Optimization in …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modification in vci_cc_vcache_wrapper:
- Optimization in …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Bugfix in vci_cc_vcache_wrapper:
- In the states DCACHE/ICACHE …
12 years |
devigne |
Introducing merged components between the last trunk TSAR version
and …
12 years |
devigne |
Erasing ODCCP branch to ease the merge of this branch with the trunk
12 years |
lgarcia |
Cosmetic (suppression of warning in memcache and vcache)
12 years |
lgarcia |
fixing merging bug in vci_mem_cache.cpp
12 years |
lgarcia |
Introduction of RWT branch
New components :
-dspin_rwt_param (Cleanup …
12 years |
cfuguet |
/trunk/modules/vci_mem_cache:449 with
12 years |
haoliu |
modified CC_RECEIVE FSM and CC_CHECK FSM (icache and dcache) for new …
12 years |
devigne |
Rename dspin_dhccp_param into dspin_odccp_param
12 years |
devigne |
Introduction of ODCCP branch
New components :
-dspin_odccp_param …
12 years |
alain |
Introducing the vci_iox_network modeling the external IO network.
12 years |
alain |
Introducing the tsar_generic_iob platform.
12 years |
alain |
Fixing several bugs in the configuration interface.
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modification in branches/v5/platforms/tsar_generic_xbar:
- Adding a …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Adding tsar_generic_xbar platform in branches/v5/platforms:
- This …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifications in vci_cc_vcache_wrapper:
- Merging the states …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Bugfix in vci_mem_cache:
- Adding missing "strings" for …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifications in branches/v5/modules/vci_cc_vcache_wrapper:
- …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Merging branch/v5/vci_cc_vcache_wrapper with trunk modifications
to …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifications in branches/v5/communication/dspin_dhccp_param:
- …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifications in branches/v5/vci_mem_cache:
- Changing name of CC …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Merging branch/v5/vci_mem_cache with trunk modifications to
start the …
12 years |
alain |
Improving the Config Interface.
12 years |
alain |
Handling multiple vci_param.
12 years |
alain |
Multiple vci_param…
12 years |
alain |
Using a simple_rom (an not a simple_ram) as the boot ROM.
12 years |
alain |
Adapt the tsar_xbar_cluster to the new DspinLocalCrossbar? constructor, …
12 years |
alain |
Introducing a preliminary configuration interface in vci_mem_cache.
12 years |
alain |
12 years |
lambert |
In vci_cc_vcache_wrapper :
Fixing wrong comments for monitor variables
12 years |
cfuguet |
Bugfix of previous commit in vci_mem_cache:
- Forgotten transition …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifications in vci_mem_cache:
- Adding error treatment for …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifications in vci_mem_cache:
- Modifying MULTI_ACK_IDLE state to …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modification in tsar_generic_xbar:
- Adapting the platform metadata …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modification in vci_mem_cache:
- Replacing "if" by "assert" in the …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Fixing indentation problems (undesired tabs) in vci_mem_cache metadata
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifications in tsar_boot:
- Creating new files boot_utils.[c h] …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modification in vci_block_device_tsar:
- Adding parenthesis in …
12 years |
lambert |
In Vci_cc_vcache_wrapper :
* Adding monitor to help debugging. …
12 years |
alain |
12 years |
alain |
Bug fix: the r_dcache_vci_unc_be register was declared as bool. …
12 years |
porquet |
various modifications to the platform
- make simulation parameters a …
12 years |
porquet |
modifications in Makefile
- I can't stand this banner anymore
- rule …
12 years |
porquet |
just for me
12 years |
porquet |
tsar_boot: typos
12 years |
porquet |
it's 64 bytes and not 16 bytes (16 is the number of words in a cache block)
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifications in soft/tsar_boot:
- Fixing indentation problems in …
12 years |
porquet |
oups in segmentation.h
12 years |
porquet |
tsar_boot: new conf directory for platform 'tsarv4_mono_mmu_ioc'
12 years |
porquet |
boot_tsar: bug fix and more debug
12 years |
porquet |
tsar_boot: let the user have a custom conf file to avoid repeating …
12 years |
porquet |
add a new platform tsarv4
- mono mipsel32
- xicu, blockdevice, tty
12 years |
alain |
12 years |
alain |
Introducing support for several segments (required by tsar_generic_iob …
12 years |
porquet |
add missing header (for ::read, ::write, etc.)
12 years |
cfuguet |
Introducing USE_DT (true by default) option in tsar_boot makefile
12 years |
fraga |
VCI_IO_BRIDGE: Adding some casts to handle the different VCI fields …
12 years |
alain |
Updating the tsar_generic_sbar platform to comply with the new DSPIN …
12 years |
alain |
Updating vci_cc_vcache_wrapper and vci_mem_cache to comply with the …
12 years |
alain |
Bug fix : the segment allocated to the NIC controller was too small.
12 years |
alain |
Bug fix : VCI BE when DATA = 64 bits
12 years |
alain |
Introducing support for VCI DATA 64 bits.
12 years |
bouyer |
Sync with reality: we have only one processor on the de2-115 and
we'll …
12 years |
bouyer |
Use 128bits transfers at the SPI controller level when possible;
this …
12 years |
alain |
Fixing a wrong merge during commit.
12 years |
alain |
Major evolution of platform "tsar_generic_xbar"
to support 40 bits …
12 years |
alain |
ntroducing support for 40 bits physical addresses.
12 years |
alain |
ntroducing support for 40 bits physical addresses.
12 years |
alain |
Introducing support for addresses larger than 32 bits.
12 years |
alain |
Introducing support for physical addresses larger than 32 bits.
A new …
12 years |
lambert |
Bug fix in Vci_mem_cache :
* When line evicion in write fsm to …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Reactivating commented command in the Makefile of the tsar_boot
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifying the tsar_generic_xbar:
- Modifying the metadata and the …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifications in tsar/trunk/softs/tsar_boot:
- Improving the …
12 years |
joannou |
Bugfix in DCACHE_CC_UPDT (test on r_dcahe_cc_send_req instead of …
12 years |
alain |
New release supporting the tsar_generic_xbar platform
with 64 bits …
12 years |
alain |
VCI port to XRAM switched to DATA == 64 bits
=> two template …
12 years |
joannou |
Bugfix in vci_cc_vcache_wrapper :
* Made cache flush states …