Changeset 361 for anr

Feb 8, 2011, 1:10:35 AM (13 years ago)

ia: prerelease-2.

2 added
9 edited


  • anr/annexe-autre-participation.tex

    r360 r361  
    2626    {2}{Greiner}{4}
    27     {Tsar, CATRENE, 695 k\euro}
     27    {Tsar, CATRENE, 400 k\euro}
    2828    {Tera Scale ARchitecture}
    2929    {\makebox{Huy-Nam} Nguyen (Bull)}
  • anr/annexe-cv.tex

    r360 r361  
    5656  {{Nguyen}{Huy-Nam}{56}}
    5757  {Head of MVS Departement at Bull S.A.S}
    58   {Thesis (1977), ENSMP Engineer (1977)}
     58  {Thesis (1982), ENSMP Engineer (1977)}
    5959  {{5}{}}
    6060  \item[Projects]\mbox{}
    9292  \item[Course of Lectures]\mbox{}
    9393       Compilers, programming languages, computer architecture, networks.
    94   \item[Projects]\mbox{}
    95     \begin{itemize}
    96     \item Nano2012 S2S4HLS, 2009--
    97     \end{itemize}
    206   {{Lemonier}{Fabrice}{43}}
     202  {{Lemonnier}{Fabrice}{43}}
    207203  {Research program manager}
    208204  {PhD (1996), Master in parallel computing (1992), EFREI Engineer (1991)}
  • anr/anr.sty

    r356 r361  
    2929\immediate\write\@auxout{\expandafter\string\expandafter\gdef\expandafter\string\csname NOVL#1\endcsname{\@novers{\name}}}%
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     37%    \setlength{\parsep} {\parskip}
     38%    \setlength{\itemsep}{3pt}}
     39% \renewcommand{\@listii}{
     40%   \setlength{\leftmargin}{\leftmarginii}
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  • anr/section-2.tex

    r356 r361  
    2121%based on C/C++ and SystemC are the most popular, but few of them are specifically targetting FPGAs.
    23 \parlf
    2424The COACH project will propose a new design flow based on a small number of architectural templates.
    2525An architectural template is a generic, parameterized architecture, relying on a predefined library
    6363%%those various technologies, and to define the detailed architecture of the proposed design flow.
    65 \parlf
    6666In HPC (High Performance Computing), the targeted application is an existing one
    6767running on a PC.
  • anr/section-consortium-desc.tex

    r356 r361  
    223223them in the transformation of their information systems and to optimize their IT
    224224infrastructure and their applications.
    225 \parlf
    226226\bull is particularly present in the public sector, banking, finance, telecommunication
    227227and industry sectors. Capitalizing on its wide experience, the Group has a thorough
    262262%technologies including man system interaction.
    263263The Embedded System Laboratory (ESL) involved in the COACH project is part of
    264 TRT, it is based in Centres (France).
     264TRT, it is based in Palaiseau (France).
    266266Like other labs of TRT, ESL is in charge of making the link between the needs
  • anr/section-consortium-people.tex

    r360 r361  
    83 \RE & Coussy      & Philippe    & \mbox{\AP}           & SOC HLS \ARCH \VP        & 12 & Task: 1, 2, \TL{5}, \mustbecompleted{X, Y}, 8 \\\hline
    84 \ME & Heller      & Dominique   & \mbox{\RENG}         & \COMP HLS \ARCH          &  8 & Task: \mustbecompleted{X, Y} \\\hline
    85 \ME & Chavet      & Cyrille     & \mbox{\AP}           & SOC HLS \ARCH            &  4 & Task: \mustbecompleted{X, Y} \\\hline
     83\RE & Coussy      & Philippe    & \mbox{\AP}           & SOC HLS \ARCH \VP        & 12 & Task: 1, 2, \TL{5}, 8 \\\hline
     84\ME & Heller      & Dominique   & \mbox{\RENG}         & \COMP HLS \ARCH          &  8 & Task: 2, 5, 8 \\\hline
     85\ME & Chavet      & Cyrille     & \mbox{\AP}           & SOC HLS \ARCH            &  4 & Task: 2, 5, 8 \\\hline
    88 \RE & Alias       & Christophe  & \mbox{\INRE}        & \COMP HPC \MM    & 15 & Task: 1, 2, \TL{4}, 8 \mustbecompleted{X, Y} \\\hline
    89 \ME & Feautrier   & Paul        & \mbox{\EP}          & \COMP \AUPA      & 13 & Task: \mustbecompleted{X, Y} \\\hline
     88\RE & Alias       & Christophe  & \mbox{\INRE}        & \COMP HPC \MM    & 13 & Task: 1, 2, \TL{4}, 8 \\\hline
     89\ME & Feautrier   & Paul        & \mbox{\EP}          & \COMP \AUPA      & 12 & Task: 2, 4, 7, 8 \\\hline
    97 \RE & Charot      & François     & \mbox{\INRE}       & SOC ASIP \ARCH     & 12 & Task: 1, 2, 4, 8 \\\hline
    98 \ME & Derrien      & Steven      & \mbox{\AP}         & HLS \COMP\ARCH &   6 & Task: 2, 4, 8\\\hline
     97\RE & Charot      & François     & \mbox{\INRE}       & SOC ASIP \ARCH     & \mustbecompleted{12} & Task: 1, 2, 4, 8 \\\hline
     98\ME & Derrien      & Steven      & \mbox{\AP}         & HLS \COMP\ARCH     & \mustbecompleted{6} & Task: 2, 4, 8\\\hline
    104 \RE & Lemonier    & Fabrice     & \DM                 & SOC                & 18 & Task: \mustbecompleted{X, Y} \TL{7} \\\hline
     104\RE & Lemonnier   & Fabrice     & \DM                 & SOC ARCH           &  7 & Task: 1, \TL{7}, 8 \\\hline
    105105\ME & Brelet      & Paul        & \mbox{SW\,development}
    106                                                       & \SW                & 18 & Task: 7,8  \\\hline
     106                                                      & \SW                &  8 & Task: 7,8  \\\hline
    108108\caption{\label{involved:people} People that participate to the project.}
  • anr/section-dissemination.tex

    r356 r361  
    119119\subsubsection*{Partner: \textit{\bull}}
    120 The team of \bull participating to the COACH project is from the Server Development
    121 Department who is in charge of developing hardware for open servers (e.g. NovaScale) and
    122 HPC solutions. The main expectation from COACH is to derive a new component (fine-grain
    123 FPGA parallelism) to add to existing Bull HPC solutions.
     121The Bull team participating to COACH is from the Server Design and Development Division,
     122who is in charge of developing hardware for open servers (e.g.: NovaSacle, Bullion) and
     123HPC solutions. With this participation, Bull demonstrates its high interest in the outcome of
     124COACH. Effectively, it is now commonly recognized that the future of HPC will be based
     125on hybrid architectures in which FPGA will play a major role in the development of configurable
     126hardware accelerators by providing the best fine grain parallelism.
    125128\subsubsection*{Partner: \textit{\thales}}
    137140  synthesis of system embedding control and data flow aspects.
    139 \parlf
    140143TRT (Thales Research and Technology) has the mission to assess and de-risk the emerging
    141144technologies in its domains of expertise. Specifically in COACH, the studied technology is
    158161\subsubsection*{Industrial supports}
    160 \mustbecompleted{NON A JOUR}
    161163The following SMEs demonstrate interest to the COACH project (see the "letters of
    162164interest" in annexe~\ref{lettre-soutien}) and will follow the COACH evolution and will
    164166\letterOfInterest{ALTERA Corporation}{lettres-2011/Altera1.pdf},
     168\letterOfInterest{FlexRAS Technologies}{lettres-2011/Flexras.pdf},
    167 %\letterOfInterest{INPIXAL}{lettres-2011/inpixal.jpg},
    168171%\letterOfInterest{CAMKA System}{lettres-2011/CAMKA-System.pdf},
  • anr/section-ressources.tex

    r360 r361  
    128128  {upmc}
    129   { In order to validate the COACH design flow, \upmc will buy FPGA development
    130     boards (especially 1  PCI/E FPGA \xilinx board).
    131     The cost for these boards is estimated to 4500 \euro (3\% of the total ANR funding).}
    132   {{\upmc}{52}{24}{Alain Greiner and Ivan Aug\'e}{87}{
     129  {}
     130  {{\upmc}{52}{24}{Alain Greiner and Ivan Aug\'e}{88}{
    133131     We are looking for a profile with strong skills in SW development and good
    134132     knowledge in SoC design and virtual prototyping.
    135133   }}
    136   {7}{3.5}
     134  {8}{3.5}
    138136% \begin{description}
    170168  {ubs}
    171   { In order to validate the design flow project, the Lab-STICC laboratory will buy FPGA
    172     development boards.  The cost for these FPGA boards is estimated to 3\% of the total
    173     ANR funding.
    174     \mustbecompleted{INCOHERENCE avec SITE ANR}
    175   }
     169  {}
    176170  {{\ubs}{48}{24}{Philippe COUSSY, Cyrille CHAVET and Dominique HELLER}{83}{
    177171   \mustbecompleted{\\UBS: A) manque 1 profil ici, B) dans annexe 7.2 il ne faut que 5
    216210 {inria_compsys}{}
    217  {{\lip}{46}{22}{Christophe Alias and Paul Feautrier}{100}{
     211 {{\lip}{46}{21}{Christophe Alias and Paul Feautrier}{\mustbecompleted{100}}{
    218212   \\We are looking for a candidate with both theoretical and
    219213   practical skills, that will be able to get a sufficient
    220214   understanding of the polyhedral techniques.
    221    \mustbecompleted{\\LIP: DANS FIG.8 vous avez 28 hm. 46-28=18 --> 40\%\\
    222    IL FAUT ETRE <= 50\%, le max de non permanent est 23.}
    223    \mustbecompleted{\\LIP: Vous n'etes dans aucuns projets annexe 7.3 ?}
    224215   \mustbecompleted{\\LIP: ./gantt < anr.gant\\
    225216   \t WARNING: lip       :D432 probleme sur l'an 2 (in table=7.0, in gantt=6.0 \\
    227218   \t ERROR:   lip       :D730 probleme sur l'an 3 (in table=0.0, in gantt=3.0}
    228219   }}
    229  {\mustbecompleted{(LIP: ca fait beaucoup) }20}{4}
     220 {12}{4}
    231222% \begin{description}
    315306    We are looking for a profile with strong skills in SW development and good
    316307    knowledge in computer architecture.
    317 %   \mustbecompleted{\\IRISA figure 8 vous avez 18 hm vous devez avoir 22.}
    318 %   \mustbecompleted{\\IRISA: Vous n'etes dans aucuns projets annexe 7.3 ?}%
    319 %   \mustbecompleted{\\IRISA: ./gantt < anr.gant\\
    320 %     \t ERROR:   inria     :D420 probleme sur l'an 3 (in table=0.0, in gantt=3.0}
     308   \mustbecompleted{\\IRISA figure 8 vous avez 18 hm vous devez avoir au moins 23.}
    321309    }}
    322310 {10}{4}
    356344  {bull}
    357   { Acquisition of a FPGA development board will represent the main equipment cost for
    358     Bull in COACH. It is estimated at about 5\% (tbc) of the total funding.
    359     \mustbecompleted{INCOHERENCE avec SITE ANR}
    360     }
     345  { The design of FPGA board (s) will represent the main equipment cost for Bull
     346    in COACH. It is estimated at about 10 k\euro (about 12\% of the total
     347    requested ANR funding) representing the re-design/adaptation of an
     348    existing FPGA board (the SAM "Simulation Accelerated Module" board).}
    361349  {
    362350    The man power detail in \hommemois by deliverables is given in
    392380  {thales}
    393381  { In order to validate the design flow,TRT will buy FPGA developpement boards. The cost
    394     for these FPGA boards is estimated to 11 k\euro (6\% of the total ANR funding).
    395     \mustbecompleted{INCOHERENCE avec SITE ANR}
    396     }
     382    for these FPGA boards is estimated to 11 k\euro (6\% of the total ANR funding).}
    397383  { The man power detail in \hommemois by deliverables is given in
    398     annexe~\ref{table-livrables-thales} (page \pageref{table-livrables-thales}).
     384    annexe~\ref{table-livrables-thales} (page \pageref{table-livrables-thales})
    399385    and a summary by task in the following table.
    400     \thales employees involved in the project are a manager for 18 \hommemois
    401     and an engineer  for 18 \hommemois.}
     386    \thales employees involved in the project are a manager for 7 \hommemois
     387    and an engineer  for 8 \hommemois and a PHD candidate for 21 \hommemois}
    402388  {5}{}
  • anr/task-frontend.tex

    r360 r361  
    4545      \itemV{0}{12}{x}{\Sinria}{SystemC for extensible MIPS }
    4646      { A SystemC simulation model for a simple extensible MIPS architectural template }
    47       \itemL{12}{27}{x}{\Sinria}{SystemC for extensible MIPS}{3:3:0}
     47      \itemL{12}{27}{x}{\Sinria}{SystemC for extensible MIPS}{3:2:1}
    4848      {A SystemC simulation model for an extensible MIPS with a tight architectural integration of
    4949      its instruction set extensions}
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