12 years |
bouyer |
We have big servers, so use some parallelism here
12 years |
alain |
Introducing a network controller (vci_multi_nic) in the I0 cluster.
12 years |
alain |
The tsarv4_generic_mmu platform has been modified to use the …
12 years |
almaless |
Introduce ALMOS used platforms for TSAR.
See the package's README …
12 years |
almaless |
- Adding two arguments: BLKSZ (sector size) and THREADS (OpenMP …
13 years |
alain |
Two modifications in the "tsarv4_generic_mmu" platform:
1) improving …
13 years |
meunier |
Formatting of topcell and cluster files
13 years |
cfuguet |
Introducing new CLEANUP transaction address specification in the …
13 years |
fraga |
Adding platform using vci_io_bridge
13 years |
fraga |
Reparing erroneous commit
13 years |
fraga |
Adding platform using vci_io_bridge
13 years |
almaless |
Bug-fix: use the loader's reference instead a copy of it. The ram …
13 years |
cfuguet |
New tsar v1 monocluster platform
13 years |
alain |
Introducing a mono-processor architecture using the cc_xcache_v4
13 years |
alain |
Introducing a mono-pprocesseur architecture using cc_vcache_V4
13 years |
zzhang |
fix some bugs in vdspin platform
13 years |
alain |
Introducing tsarv4_generic_mmu platform
13 years |
choichil |
Replacing simple_ram to synthetic_target
13 years |
choichil |
Platform to extract results for broadcast
14 years |
kane |
vci_cc_xcache_wrapper_v4 : suppress one state (CC_UPDATE)
14 years |
alain |
14 years |
simerabe |
adding parameters for new vci_cc_xcache_wrapper_v4 version (cmp)
14 years |
alain |
Moving to the vci_cc_xcache_wrapper_v4 implementing the multicores …
14 years |
kane |
delete all timeout reference (multi write buffer)
14 years |
kane |
(1) add modif from previous version (before merging), (2) add two …
14 years |
kane |
In vci_cc_xcache_wrapper : (1) fix compilation directive, (2) replace …
14 years |
alain |
Moving the sof_filter and soft_transpose software applications
to the …
14 years |
alain |
ntroducing the tsarv4_generic_ring platform
14 years |
alain |
Introducing the tsarv4_generic_xbar platform
14 years |
kane |
Re add vci_cc_xcache_wrapper_v4 "multi-cache" edition and (1) fix …
14 years |
kane |
in vci_cc_xcache_wrapper_v4 : (1) Fix bug in MISS_VICTIM state, (2) …
14 years |
kane |
fix bug in ccxcachev4, save cpu_info in memcachev4
14 years |
kane |
yAjout du multi_cache : plusieurs processeur peuvent ce partager le …
14 years |
simerabe |
replacing old ring versions with new one
14 years |
kane |
add multi write buffer in cc_xcache_v4
14 years |
choichil |
Platform with more parameters
14 years |
choichil |
Generic platform for VDSPIN tests and measurements
14 years |
alain |
Introducing two generic hardware platforms:
- tsarv4_vgmn_generic_32
- …
14 years |
choichil |
Platform that works…
14 years |
guthmull |
Add a simple TsarV4 platform
14 years |
choichil |
PF ended
14 years |
choichil |
Platform using vci_simple_ram which is not the svn working copy (allow …
14 years |
choichil |
Deleting modelsim files
14 years |
choichil |
Platform without targets
14 years |
choichil |
Draft of new platform with VciSyntheticInitiator? and VDSPIN
14 years |
choichil |
Platform with DMA and FB
14 years |
choichil |
Deleting work directory
14 years |
choichil |
Platform with DMA
14 years |
choichil |
Platform with DMA VHDL
14 years |
simerabe |
platform for new vdspin_router/vci_local_ring_fast
14 years |
simerabe |
simple_ring_fast platform
14 years |
simerabe |
removing duplicate ring_signals_2
15 years |
alain |
15 years |
guthmull |
Don't generate the software
15 years |
guthmull |
Add a pf similar to the fpga one
15 years |
nipo |
Fix netlist
15 years |
nipo |
Set outdir to '.' to make sccom happy
15 years |
guthmull |
Add v1 phys platform
15 years |
nipo |
Uniformize 40 bit addresses
15 years |
nipo |
Remove loggers
15 years |
nipo |
Add non coherent platform
15 years |
bouyer |
Fix CPU address
15 years |
nipo |
Add DSX-based platform definition
15 years |
simerabe |
changing broadcast offset on vci_ring_initiator
15 years |
simerabe |
updating multi-cluster platform
15 years |
simerabe |
new ring components for systemcass
15 years |
nipo |
Import platforms