11 years |
alain |
Introducing the "giet_tsar" os (without virtual memory) in the softs …
11 years |
devigne |
Bug fixed: bad syncro enums states between .h and .cpp for debug... …
11 years |
almaless |
memc: merge all the config interface access except the IRQ one.
11 years |
almaless |
tested using ALMOS
11 years |
devigne |
Bug fixed : wrong shift in the fields of a flit DSPIN MULTI_INVAL and CLACK
11 years |
devigne |
Merge with the latest trunk (concurrent access to a register …
11 years |
devigne |
Merge with the lastest version of trunk (Compliance with MappingTable?)
11 years |
haoliu |
RWT - VCI_MEM_CACHE cosmetic
11 years |
haoliu |
ODCCP merge the components with the version 543 in trunk.
11 years |
haoliu |
ODCCP vci_mem_cache.cpp cosmetic
11 years |
haoliu |
RWT - merged the vci_mem_cache.h file for the llsc table.
11 years |
devigne |
cosmetic : deleting debug
11 years |
haoliu |
RWT - merged the vci_mem_cache with the last
modification of the llsc …
11 years |
haoliu |
RWT - Bug fixed in vci_mem_cache:
The alloc_trt fsm is modified for …
11 years |
haoliu |
RWT - bug fixed in vci_cc_vcache_wrapper:
Add the treatment of late …
11 years |
haoliu |
(RWT)Merged the modification for the table llsc in memcache.
11 years |
haoliu |
bug fixed in the component memcache(RWT):
There was some confusions …
11 years |
haoliu |
bug fixed in vci_cc_vcache_wrapper(RWT),
when we have to modify the …
11 years |
haoliu |
bug fix in vci_cc_vcache_wrapper(RWT)
In DCACHE_CC_INVAL state, the …
11 years |
haoliu |
This version for RWT has merged with the lastest version of classic …
11 years |
devigne |
Merge with the lastest version of trunk
12 years |
devigne |
generic_tlb : pte flag CC => NCC
vci_cc_vcache_wrapper : Fixing …
12 years |
devigne |
Merge with the lastest version of Trunk
Modification in vci_mem_cache …
12 years |
lgarcia |
Reintroducing RWT branch merging the last modifications of the
trunk …
12 years |
lgarcia |
Erasing RWT branch to start a newly created branch with
the last …
12 years |
devigne |
Introducing NON INCLUSIVITY property in the vci_mem_cache (ODCCP)
12 years |
cfuguet |
Erasing v5 development branch components as they have been
merged into …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifications in branches/v5 tsar_generic_xbar:
- Adding …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifications in branches/v5 vci_mem_cache:
- Replacing the third …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modification in vci_cc_vcache_wrapper:
- Optimization in …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modification in vci_cc_vcache_wrapper:
- Optimization in …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Bugfix in vci_cc_vcache_wrapper:
- In the states DCACHE/ICACHE …
12 years |
devigne |
Introducing merged components between the last trunk TSAR version
and …
12 years |
devigne |
Erasing ODCCP branch to ease the merge of this branch with the trunk
12 years |
lgarcia |
Cosmetic (suppression of warning in memcache and vcache)
12 years |
lgarcia |
fixing merging bug in vci_mem_cache.cpp
12 years |
lgarcia |
Introduction of RWT branch
New components :
-dspin_rwt_param (Cleanup …
12 years |
cfuguet |
/trunk/modules/vci_mem_cache:449 with
12 years |
haoliu |
modified CC_RECEIVE FSM and CC_CHECK FSM (icache and dcache) for new …
12 years |
devigne |
Rename dspin_dhccp_param into dspin_odccp_param
12 years |
devigne |
Introduction of ODCCP branch
New components :
-dspin_odccp_param …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modification in branches/v5/platforms/tsar_generic_xbar:
- Adding a …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Adding tsar_generic_xbar platform in branches/v5/platforms:
- This …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifications in vci_cc_vcache_wrapper:
- Merging the states …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Bugfix in vci_mem_cache:
- Adding missing "strings" for …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifications in branches/v5/modules/vci_cc_vcache_wrapper:
- …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Merging branch/v5/vci_cc_vcache_wrapper with trunk modifications
to …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifications in branches/v5/communication/dspin_dhccp_param:
- …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifications in branches/v5/vci_mem_cache:
- Changing name of CC …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Merging branch/v5/vci_mem_cache with trunk modifications to
start the …
12 years |
porquet |
various modifications to the platform
- make simulation parameters a …
12 years |
porquet |
modifications in Makefile
- I can't stand this banner anymore
- rule …
12 years |
porquet |
just for me
12 years |
porquet |
oups in segmentation.h
12 years |
porquet |
add a new platform tsarv4
- mono mipsel32
- xicu, blockdevice, tty
12 years |
porquet |
add missing header (for ::read, ::write, etc.)
12 years |
simerabe |
Another bugfix
12 years |
joannou |
Create TsarV4 branch from trunk as of now
12 years |
joannou |
In tsarv5_generic_mmu :
* top.cpp : go look for hard_config.h in …
12 years |
joannou |
Bugfix in vci_cc_vcache_wrapper v5 :
forgot to copy the nline when …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modification in v5/vci_mem_cache
Aligning to left the SRCID into the …
12 years |
joannou |
In vci_cc_vcache_wrapper v5,
* now using the new generic_cache_tsar …
12 years |
haoliu |
Bug fix in dcache fsm, in dcache_xtn_dc_inval_go state,
set the slot …
12 years |
joannou |
In tsarv5_generic_mmu platform, in tsar cluster, added l_width to …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Bugfix in vci_mem_cache:
In function "copy()" of the xram_transaction …
12 years |
joannou |
In tsarv5_generic_mmu platform (tsarcluster):
* connected vci to dspin …
12 years |
joannou |
bugfix : correctly updating the r_preempt register
12 years |
simerabe |
bugfix : preempt in case of broadcast, palloc in case of single flit
12 years |
simerabe |
fixbug : test on eop in case of single_flit coherence request
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modifying comments in the dspin_dhccp_param to comply the type …
12 years |
joannou |
In vci_cc_vcache_wrapper v5
- added check for p_dspin_in.write in …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Bugfix in branches/v5/vci_mem_cache
Adding missing condition in …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Bugfix in branches/v5/vci_mem_cache
Adding missing fifo get in case of …
12 years |
joannou |
Got rid of intermediate v5 version. _dspin_coherence versions changed …
12 years |
alain |
Introducing Platform tsarv5_dspin_array,
that can be used for TSAR …
12 years |
alain |
New contructors for vci_mem_cache & vci_cc_vcache,
as we don't need …
12 years |
alain |
Introducing the cluster component in tsarv5_generic_mmu platform.
12 years |
alain |
Introducing the tsarv5_generic_mmu platform.
12 years |
cfuguet |
Using the Xicu SOFT IRQs (IPIs). Adding them on the Xicu
12 years |
joannou |
Introducing tsar_generic_mmu_dspin_coherence platform (ring dspin for …
12 years |
joannou |
In vci_cc_vcache_wrapper_dspin_coherence, DCACHE_TLB_PTE1_MISS and …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Erasing always false condition in the if statement of the …
12 years |
joannou |
* In vci_cc_vcache_wrapper_dspin_coherence, modified both states
12 years |
cfuguet |
Bug fix in the vci_cc_vcache_wrapper and vci_mem_cache components
(and …
12 years |
joannou |
Added llsc table initialization in both vci_mem_cache and …
12 years |
joannou |
- In vci_cc_vcache_wrapper_dspin_coherence : initializing …
12 years |
joannou |
Updated top.cpp in tsar_mono_mmu_dspin_coherence to respect new file …
12 years |
joannou |
Renaming all files form vci_cc_vcache_wrapper_dspin_coherence and …
12 years |
joannou |
* Commented debug in dspin_local_ring_fast_c
* Added test on plen …
12 years |
joannou |
Added test on INST/DATA for the CLACK in the …
12 years |
cfuguet |
12 years |
simerabe |
introducing topcell examples using dspin ring interconnect
12 years |
simerabe |
introducing 2 new components : simple and local ring interconnect …
12 years |
joannou |
bugfix in vci_cc_vcache_wrapper_dspin_coherence :
- consume fifo in …
12 years |
joannou |
removed unusefull flipflop r_*cache_cc_fifo_done + syntax correction …
12 years |
joannou |
bugfix in vci_cc_vcache_wrapper_dspin_coherence in coherence type checking
12 years |
cfuguet |
- Fixing typo error in …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Fix bug in vci_mem_cache_dspin_coherence. The write signal
in the …
12 years |
joannou |
vci_cc_vcache_wrapper_dspin_coherence now use DspinDhccpParam::* types …
12 years |
cfuguet |
Introducing missing debug strings in the vci_mem_cache cpp file