14 years |
coach |
INRIA: mise à jour section ressources, cv, autres participations pour …
14 years |
coach |
Correction des incohérences
14 years |
coach |
14 years |
coach |
Changed virtex5 into virtex6.
14 years |
coach |
1ere Pre-release
14 years |
coach |
ajout d'un fixme.
14 years |
coach |
Fixed malformated entries.
14 years |
coach |
Presque 40 pages.
14 years |
coach |
Corrections pour que ca compile.
14 years |
coach |
14 years |
coach |
14 years |
coach |
Mise à jour suite à une remarque de Paul.
14 years |
coach |
minor language modifications
14 years |
coach |
minor language modifications
14 years |
coach |
minor language modifications
14 years |
coach |
14 years |
coach |
14 years |
coach |
14 years |
coach |
14 years |
coach |
14 years |
coach |
language corrections
14 years |
coach |
corrections de langage
14 years |
coach |
language modification, section 2
14 years |
coach |
language modifications (Paul)
14 years |
coach |
Modifications des hommes ans
14 years |
coach |
Mise à jour INRIA Rennes - 28 janv
14 years |
coach |
Christophe's modifs
14 years |
coach |
Christophe's modifs
14 years |
coach |
Correction du lip + ajoute de E.2.3
14 years |
coach |
Ajouts Christophe
14 years |
coach |
14 years |
coach |
modifs by EV
14 years |
coach |
14 years |
coach |
IA: j'ai coupe la table
14 years |
coach |
Ajout de la referenc dandr pour MDS.
14 years |
coach |
TIMA : update de notre section ressource
14 years |
coach |
modifs EV+IA
14 years |
coach |
OM: mise à jour me concernant
14 years |
coach |
correction mode utf8
14 years |
coach |
correction bug petrot
14 years |
coach |
Additions de TIMA et quelques corrections de typos
14 years |
coach |
template for Christophe CV, minor language modifications
14 years |
coach |
Paul Feautrier: CV
14 years |
coach |
Fixed bug introduced by mds.
14 years |
coach |
14 years |
coach |
14 years |
coach |
Fixed a typo.
14 years |
coach |
Fixed references.
14 years |
coach |
Update EV+IA
14 years |
coach |
Changed microblaze/plb in \xilinxcpu/\xilinxbus that extend arm/AMBA
14 years |
coach |
Added annexe ianswering to 2010 evaluation.
14 years |
coach |
Fixed Bull data
14 years |
coach |
Entree des donnees de bull.
14 years |
coach |
Modifications EV: inputs MDS
14 years |
coach |
14 years |
coach |
Ajout de lettre soutien d'Altera.
14 years |
coach |
MAJ des donnees LIP6 (quasi la derniere)
14 years |
coach |
Preparation des annexes.
14 years |
coach |
maj d'un label de livrable.
14 years |
coach |
maj UPMC
14 years |
coach |
1) Ajout des parters entre () pour les sous taches.
2) Ajout des liens …
14 years |
coach |
Correction d'un bug dans \itemL qui masquait les macros \Smds, \Subs, .…
14 years |
coach |
Première mise à jour TIMA/UPMC
14 years |
coach |
14 years |
coach |
Added effort tables
14 years |
coach |
mise en place de jolis liens.
14 years |
coach |
Preparation des tables.
14 years |
coach |
Suppression de Xilinx qui trainait encore.
14 years |
coach |
Modification du tableau de titre.
14 years |
coach |
Renomages des fichiers tache et fixe des livrables.
14 years |
coach |
Fixed miss spellings.
14 years |
coach |
Changed to adapt the document to the ANR 2011 call.
14 years |
coach |
Fixed typos.
14 years |
coach |
MAJ après réunion de travail Ivan, Magillem
Liste des livrables
14 years |
coach |
Added ANR specifications.
14 years |
coach |
Added FIXME.
14 years |
coach |
Added FIXME.
14 years |
coach |
Suppressed reference to Flexras and Navtel.
14 years |
coach |
Added ref to IP-XACT.
14 years |
coach |
Cleanup and first release for 2011.
14 years |
coach |
Changed design flow figure and corresponding text.
14 years |
coach |
1) Fixed problems with the \CoutHorsD macro.
2) Renamed as …
14 years |
coach |
Reduced the task number. Suppressed xilinx, navtel and flexra. Added mds.
14 years |
coach |
14 years |
coach |
Added macro to show adding.
14 years |
coach |
Introduced IP-XACT in the coach.
15 years |
alain |
15 years |
alain |
15 years |
coach |
15 years |
alain |
15 years |
coach |
IA: finale
15 years |
coach |
IA: thales updates
15 years |
coach |
IA: last change
15 years |
coach |
15 years |
coach |
15 years |
coach |
IA: added Astrium
15 years |
coach |
IA: added altera
15 years |
coach |
15 years |
coach |
15 years |
coach |